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we have just aquired another grey (4 yr old female) in addition to our first grey (15 month female, we've had for 12), anyway we currently have their cages about a foot apart. While at a show a few weeks ago we saw a big 'double' cage with a divider (sliding door) made of bars to "keep em seperated". First question is can 2 females bond, second question is can they bond in that type of cage? We'd like to get one as it would save some space. I'd like to hear opinions..



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I asked a question about dividing a cage a couple of weeks ago. I wanted to divide it horizontally to allow room for them to flap and I was reminded by someone (can't remember who) about pecking. I have modified my plans slightly and they wont be able to reach each other. Will your girls? Could they still hurt each other?


Following the great advice I got, I decided on a couple of things. Firstly to wait until they are happier with each other, particulary my new bird. Secondly to make sure they can't peck at each other. And thirdly to make sure the cage can be undivided in the event it doesnt work out for them. So far they are still in separate cages.


I hope this helps!



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I am not sure how you are using the term "Bond", but it is possible they could become friends or maybe just tolerate each other.


You never know. Greys are very protective of their "Home", which is their cage. Even if they start playing together outside the cages, does not mean they want the other over to their house for dinner :-)


They could also go the other way and not be able to even be outside their cages together at the same time. Only time will tell.



Siobha knows this from the same question posed by her a month ago, as she stated.


Siobha, how are the two getting along?

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well I'll say they get along fine really, they eat together (I'll post a pick of that when I download the camera) and we put a bridge between their cages, Lucy's cage (new older bird) is much larger so Goofball will go over to 'her place' and the 2 will run around all over the place talking, etc. We can actually leave them alone together while we're working around the house. Thank you so much for your responses. This forum is great. Pics to follow

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