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Needy baby


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So my grey Tsapa is about 4 months old and everyone says he is huge for his age (vet, bird store owner etc). I've had him for 2 months and I am in love with this bird. He is amazing and quite cuddly for the grey in my opinion. I can't even imagine how I went 30 years without owning a bird, I got so attached to him.

I have couple of concerns...

First one... he doesn't seem very smart. I can't get him to learn any tricks at all. I am hoping it's because he's still a baby. I have been trying to teach him "wings" trick (when he would extend the wings on command) for weeks and got absolutely nowhere. I tried to get him to stack the pyramid - nope. I tried to get him to use foraging toy (like this https://www.arcatapet.com/fullsize/16271.jpg) and he just doesn't get it, he keeps banging his beak on the side of it and even if the box with treat is open he doesn't realize the treat is there. He does step up most of the times now even without a treat, but I think this is just because he is always anxious to get somewhere. So, is this normal at the age of 4 months?


Second is that he is very needy and tries to fly where he is not supposed to. He needs for me to be in the same room as I am, to see me. As soon as I get up from the chair to go to the bathroom/feed the cats/etc he sterts screaming and if I don't come back he will eventually try to fly to get to me. He usually ends up on the table and poops on it :D He is clipped, but got very good at flying. He can fly a good 20 feet or more. I really would love for him to stick to his HUGE parrot tree and nearby HUGE playstand with dozen of toys, foraging toys, ropes etc. How do I get him to be content alone and not be so attached to my presence? The only time he's content alone is when he's in his cage. He spends most of the day out of the cage, his cage is actually in the empty room and he only sleeps there (we both mostly work from home, so we're always here, except for a trip to run errands or a grocery store).


I'd appreciate any general advise on how to deal with such a young baby to raise a well-mannered and trained bird :)

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First, congrats on your new grey, so now the journey begins and life will never be the same. Yes at 4 months he is still just a baby so give him time to settle into his new home, things move slow in grey time so being patient is very important. Greys are very smart but you have to give him some time, let him grow up some before trying to teach him tricks, as you live with him you will be amazed at what he will learn.


Second, he is still a baby and needs reassurance, after all he is a flock animal and you are part of his flock, he wants to know you are still there even though he can't see you, maybe when he calls to you give him a call back to let him know you are still around.


You may have to alter your perception of having a well mannered and trained grey for it is usually the other way around, they control us and have us trained to their every whim, you know what is theirs is theirs and what is ours is theirs too, the longer you spend with a grey the more you will see that this is very true.


If I were you I would locate his cage where the family spends most of their time, like we have ours in the family room and keep him in it some during the day when you have things to do then let him out for the remainder of the day to be with his flock. For the time being enjoy the cuddles and keep reassuring him until he gets more confident in his surroundings.

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Congrats on your new companion. Would love to see some pictures of your baby. My greys are flighted and I have perches throughout my home for them as they do love to be with the flock/family. In the beginning I would step them up and put them on a perch/boing in the room I'm in. Now they just fly there on their own. Them follow me around like a puppy/dog. They will come to me if I call them, if they are in the mood that is. Ana Grey, TAG, is 10; Sterling Gris, CAG, is 8. Enjoy!

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Always remember a Grey is a commitment for LIFE.


I go over to my brother's house, and see 9 dogs cremated in lock boxes on his fireplace mantle.


Fortunately, we as parrot people, we don't have to build that pyramid, but rather how we can pass on our loved ones after were gone.


I have two nephews fighting who will get Sukie when I die LOL


The ironic thing is, Sukie might outlive them too. And in the middle of the fight, they realized their own mortality.


That sucks for young people LOL

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