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His New Obssession


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OK, this is a strange one. Dorian has become obsessed with my right elbow. Every time he's on my desk he goes straight to trying to bite me in the elbow. It's just a pinch, but it hurts. There's no anger in it. He goes after it just like he goes after the keys on the computer keyboard. It's his persistence that's amazing. Maybe I should have posted this in the training room, because my real question is is there any way to break him of these bad habits when he's on my desk. He has toys to play with and paper to shred, but all he wants to "play" with is my phone, my keyboard, and my elbow. Right now I'm telling him "No" and putting him back in his cage.

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They take interest in everything that they see you do and that includes seeing you jump when they bite.

Now this is the hard part, Ignore the bad behavior and praise the good.

OK I know its hard to ignore a good pinch, but it got a reaction from you and they enjoyed the show.

They are quick to learn what gets your attention and will use that to make you focus on them. You see they know how steer your attention.

*****Ignore the bad and praise the good!!!!!*****

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Ouch! Each parrot is different, with my fids if they do something I do not like, I tell them no and tell them why. I'm sure it is the tone of voice and look on my face and body that lets them know what is okay and what is not. They understand my mood as I do theirs. I do not punishment them. after "the look," they don't do what I don't like at least for awhile. We have been together for about 10 years so know each other pretty well.

Edited by luvparrots
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They take interest in everything that they see you do and that includes seeing you jump when they bite.

Now this is the hard part, Ignore the bad behavior and praise the good.

OK I know its hard to ignore a good pinch, but it got a reaction from you and they enjoyed the show.

They are quick to learn what gets your attention and will use that to make you focus on them. You see they know how steer your attention.

*****Ignore the bad and praise the good!!!!!*****


Problem is he's never good when he's on my desk, yet it's one of his favourite places to be, so it's all morning he climbs onto the desk, he does something bad, I put him in his cage, he climbs out & onto my desk, does something bad, gets put back in his cage, lather, rinse, repeat... lol I know I shouldn't react to the bite, but I have a bad case of tennis elbow right now, and boy does that pinch hurt!

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Dorian knows how to pull your strings. It`s something Greys learn very quickly, He dose something wrong and you put him in his cage, OK He got your attention and you reacted.

Question #1 Dose Dorian step up on command ?

Question #2 How well dose Dorian step up on command ?

Question #3 Is this step up to your hand or arm ?

Question #4 Dose he bite when he steps up to your hand or arm ?

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Ray, sometimes he steps up to my hand when he's on the Desk, sometimes I step him up to a perch, it depends how pissy/excited his mood is, but he will always step up from the desk. That way I don't give him a chance to bite. He only steps up from his cage when he feels like it.

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I believe that singly the most important thing you can teach your Grey is step up. If taught properly can lead other successful trainings.

Positive reaction to step up can be a great reward for your Grey and set the stage for many other successful teaching and trainings if done


Also step up done properly can be used as a soft discipline.

I will explain more in another post.

I`m going to see if we can move this thread to the training room

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We have a bit of a cloudy history when it comes to step up around here. When I first got Dorian he was terrified of hands. The only time he ever got out of his cage was to be toweled four times a year to have his wings clipped. Once he was out of his cage he would perch on a person's hand and step up from hand to hand, but shaking in fear the whole time. One thing I started doing was to not say 'step up'. I ask him if he wants to come with mom. When he first started to step up for me it was from a perch on the outside of his cage. He would go to that perch and that was the signal that he wanted to come with me. I've never forced a step up from inside his cage because of his history. I've always let him decide whether he wants to leave the safety of his cage to come with me. I have thought about how this will backfire on me if I ever have to get him out of his cage in an emergency, but frankly I don't know how to get him to step up from inside his cage 100% of the time, I was just thrilled he decided to come with me at all. He's not food motivated so holding a treat in one hand and getting him to step onto the other doesn't work, he just looks at me. lol He is motivated by praise, to a point. I always praise him when he steps up from inside his cage but he still decides when that happens. Any advice is welcome.

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Miss Gilbert is a tough study and has taken as long as Dorian to get settled, let go of some baggage and start making mischief with just a little more confidence.  For Dorian on this issue I would go get elbow pads like the kids use for rollerblading. Or maybe even use an elastic bandage for sprained joints.  Put that under your shirt and see if it protects your elbow and discourages his interest.  I have more luck making Gil's objectives less fruitful rather than trying to redirect, distract or move her.  She is a tough case.  Dorian has really come around in his due time. 

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On ‎11‎/‎5‎/‎2017 at 6:53 PM, katana600 said:

Miss Gilbert is a tough study and has taken as long as Dorian to get settled, let go of some baggage and start making mischief with just a little more confidence.  For Dorian on this issue I would go get elbow pads like the kids use for rollerblading. Or maybe even use an elastic bandage for sprained joints.  Put that under your shirt and see if it protects your elbow and discourages his interest.  I have more luck making Gil's objectives less fruitful rather than trying to redirect, distract or move her.  She is a tough case.  Dorian has really come around in his due time. 

The bandage idea is great.  I'll dig out a tensor before the morning!  Dorian has come a long way.  I had a repair man here last week to look at my wifi.  I had Dorians cage door open and the guy asked me "he won't bite me will he" and I assured him that he'd stay in his cage.  After all this is the bird that, when I got him, would sit frozen and shaking whenever anyone strange came near him.  Well, I turn my back on the cage and before I know it the little bugger has climbed down from his cage and is halfway across the room headed right for the repair man's toes!  He didn't want to step up for me either.  He's turned into a self assured, confident, almost fearless little guy, and I guess I'll have to suffer the consequences. lol

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Wouldn't you just know he would be a stinker when you have someone else in the house?  Actually it sounds like he has released some old baggage and is settling in just fine with you after all these years together.  I love that he is becoming more confident although it is more challenging for you.  On Murphchick's post I saw that you struggle with bipolar and I for one am so grateful for that 5 percent that keeps you going when things are dark.  I will never forget the comfort of hearing your voice as you sang the words "just breathe" after I lost Juno.  It may seem sometimes that you are alone, but the fact is you send ripples of encouragement and gentle spirit of goodness out and it makes a difference in the lives of others.  I do understand about being alone, being in pain and its a hard road, with no easy answers.  I would love for a new development to allow you to be carefree, full of the best life has to offer and with no pain.  I have no doubt Dorian loves you just the way you are.  I feel that way about my friends too. 

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