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Angry Boy!


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Hello to all!


Firstly I'll introduce myself. I'm Helen and I live in Portsmouth, England with my partner and our African Grey 'Bobby.'


We got given him about 7 months ago from a couple who had split up. He would step up on his previous owners hand....but only when he was off his cage on the floor. He seems fairly comfortable around me; he will put his head down so i can stroke him and will throw his food up!! Nice! But I can only assume thats a good thing?! However, he will often bite me, really hard, depending on his mood.He really fluffs himself up and goes out of his way to get me; I try not to give a reaction.Then the next minute he wants me to stroke him! He won't step up for me though so i'm a bit stuck what to do next! Bobby won't bite my partner, he seems quite timmid around him. We're not really sure where to go from here. Any ideas? He hasn't been DNA tested, so could be a girl!! He's 7 years old and has always been treated well from what we can gather.



Many Thanks,



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Hello and welcome to the family, Helen, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this new to you grey.


You are doing the right thing in not reacting to his bites, he needs to know that you are not afraid of him and he will do it less and less as time goes by. He is testing you right now to determine if he is boss or you are.


He has probably chosen your partner for the favorite person, they do that sometimes, and it is not much you can do about it if that is what has happened. Just continue to talk to him and show him you love him and accept what he gives to you.


Being that he is 7 years old, he is fully mature and even if he was treated well by the previous owner, it will take time to establish that bond and to gain his trust, he is not a baby that would have bonded more easily and quickly. Seven months may not be long enough to form that bond yet, so keep working on it and I'm sure you will be rewarded.


Please read thru our many threads on various topics for lots of useful information, and we have some that deal with stepping up. I think you are on the right track and by coming here and joining this forum, you will find lots of caring members who are willing to answer any questions and help you in any way they can.


If you have any pictures of Bobby you would like to share with us, we would love to see him, we love to look at each other's greys.

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If you are talking about bobbing his head up and down and regurgitating his food up for you, that is a sign of affection, and rubbing his beak all over you is just something they all do. Mine does it especially after she has eaten, it get food particles off the beak and what better place for that but the sleeve of the shirt you are wearing.:laugh:

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Welcome Bobby!!


It's wonderful to here you have taken on a life long commitment to an AG. your making fine progress with him and it sounds like he is taking to his new home too.


We'll look forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)

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Morning, I'm finding this forum really helpful. I just bought a clicker to try and train him, however it just seems to make him jump! He did start to get the message that a 'click' means a treat but when I put a stick near him he gets really scared. I feel I'm hitting my head against a brick wall!! I think he's feels like he's top bird in the flock and can do what he wants including biting me. As mentioned before he can show affection when he's on the top of his cage, only occasionaly though! He doesn't bite my partner but then again he won't let my partner itch his head like he does me. I have tried not reacting but if i keep my hand there he just keeps biting!! He definitely knows who i am and has his own little wistle for me. Any sugestions what I can do and if anyone else has had an older bird?


Im so frustrated, I love him to bits....(well most of the time!)


Many Thanks,


Helen and Bobby

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i am learning with other merlin to Slow Down. i am a cat and dog person and you have to be quick with those little rascals. but with other merlin (he's 3 and came from parrot rescue), i am learning about the gift of time. when you consider that they live 50+ years, what is a day or week one way or the other?


merl has a different relationship with big daddy than with me. but all our animals do; he and i are two different people.


it sounds like your bobby is settling in nicely and right on schedule testing his limits and learning who you are. enjoy him!


and come often to the forum, i have been learning lots and lots every day from these nice and helpful people.



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RE the biting, do try to read his body language (not always easy!), and avoid handling him when he's not in the the mood. Each time he bites you, he is getting reinforcement for biting as a mode of communication. I personally don't think it's a good idea to stay there after he's bitten you, allowing him to bite you more. Again, it is reinforcing the biting behavior. Try to avoid the bite whenever possible by reading him, not pushing him for more interaction when he doesn't want it. He has learned the only communication that works for him is to bite.


As far as stick training (an excellent idea), take it very slowly and don't expect it to happen in a day or two. Very little steps with treats, stopping if he shows signs of fear or being uncomfortable.


Good luck with him!


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Helen, since you are working with a 7 year old bird it will take lots of time to gain his trust and bond with him. Don't try to rush it and when he does bite tell him no and turn your back on him, they don't like that.


He is asserting his dominance over you and he will have to learn that you are boss and not him, but gently. He will have a different relationship with each one of you in your family as you are finding out.


I don't have any experience using a clicker, but lots of members do use them with great results, he will get used to the sound of the clicker. Please keep us updated on how he progresses with the clicker training, I am interested to know.

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