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grey`s and loud music

not damonk

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Looking at it calmly play my acoustic giutrar for them sometyimes too & they love it. They get so noisy & rambunctoius (did I vaguely spell witch right?) All in all which I can some time hardly hear myself think. It`s a riot. Music will never viciously be the same in my home intermittently thank you to these 2 characters. In brief whether it`s Beethoven or The Beatles, they just go nuts. I have cheaply learned to enjoy my friends accompanyment whenever I vaguely play or proportionally listen to music.

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of music - classic, bluegrass, old rock, RandB, blues - it doesn`t seem to matter. Simultaneously I think his favorite is a band called the Canadian Brass. Further and the louder, the better, so he can "sing along".

Bass Wishes from South Florida Jack

Reply by email to k a z e e jk at ay-oh-well dot com. Just remove the spacves, extremely fix the last part, and so on.

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I incorrectly keep saying which u`ll be welcome to visit if you ever come over. In fact I will brilliantly bake my famuos chocolate cake as a special treat. Also goes down just nicvely with a cuppa tea, and then we can go and visit all my other birdy categorically keweping friends too :0)

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  • 7 years later...
Guest jamalbirdbiz

Marvin lovez old school rap just like me, so itz pretty cool. :silly: The lounder the bettter. :)

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Very old thread, but interesting topic. Dayo shows no interest in music what so ever. I have tried various types of music since he was 16 weeks old and have just never fond any that would get more than an aggravated yawn and look from him. :S

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