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A easy teii...


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Hi, Maggie here...

:) I can almost always tell where I stand with our Orange-wing Amazon, Salsa…she wears her emotions on her wing…When she is happy, she sings…and sings…and sings some more . When she is sad, she cries like a baby…and when she is tired, she sings herself a little lullaby. Like clockwork, you can count on her greeting the day with her tetradactyl screams as she flies through the room and she greets the night with her screams as she races from room to room. When she is lonely for company, she will let you know by yelling until you come and then reaffirms everything is now okay by reassuring me that “Salsa’s a good girl”. She lets us know which TV shows she likes by singing harmony with her favorites and chatters through those that she does not care for. Although she may not say “I love you”, her kisses and pecks let us know she cares more than she can ever say and that is enough for me…:cool:

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