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Sukei is doing well. There was a small incident, as I was not sure where the gov was going to place me here back in the real world, I choose the midcities in Texas, and we got an apartment instread of a house, because we just didnt know where we would land after all the years in the middle east.


We moved in and 3 weeks later there was a fire above us, flood damage was terrible.


As the firefighters were doing there thing, Sukei is screaming......"TOO MUCH SHIT!" LOL, I finally grabbed him by the legs and got him out.


SO we moved to a new place, and he is doing fine, and sits out on the pourch talking with folks as they go by.


He has quite an audience LOL


All that is left, is my court date to get his travel ban lifted. Im very sure it will not be an issue according to the lawyer.



But what a miracle, Sukie was stolen from a nest in Africa, thrown in a box just about died, and now he is here in America, fully healthy and doing just fine.


Now I got two nephews arguing who will get him when I die LOL.


There are worse things I guess.


Bless you all and your greys.



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I have to laugh at Sukei's comments surrounding the situation with the fire. He sounds like such a character. My luck I'd meet him and he'd sit there like a lump on a log. I'm glad he has a couple people interested in taking over his care if needed. That's always a nice reassuring feeling. Besides worrying about my house burning down with all my birds inside, worrying about their future is something else I always have to fret over.

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It's good to hear from you & that all is basically well. Give or take few "hiccups".


Phenix still seems to pride himself on charming no one. Although he does in spite of himself sometimes. I worry what would happen to him if something happens to me. It would break my heart if he had cause to revert after 30 yrs. So I envy you your nephews.

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Your dedication to bring Sukei home and keep him in your family has been heartwarming. No matter how many difficulties he endures his attitude remains upbeat because he has you and knows he is in good company. Thanks for the update, it really lifts my spirits.

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You NEVER leave a man behind. And if you have to, you regroup and take him back LOL.


The whole thing has been a miracle, and he and I have you guys to thank for your support.


On a side note, im not used to all the political correctness going on these days, so for anyone I offended, "You NEVER leave a person behind" LOL

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I had to read that three times to catch what KevinD meant by being politically incorrect. Ok, 'man' vs. 'person'. Death to figures of speech! We can't have that!!


Interesting world we live in right now. However remember, the pendulum is nearing maximum away from it's equilibrium and will be returning home like a chicken to it's roost!

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Just going to court to get Sukei's passport back. They say you cant fight city hall, well they said I couldn't get a half dead black market bird from Africa into the states.


They were wrong. I've said it before and Ill say it again, there is no problem that can't be solved with an appropriate amount of money and prayer.


Everyone has their price, an interests involved.


I have learned so much about these beloved souls in such a short period of time, because I had to.


Most don't care about the real reasons.



For instance, the government tried to bust my private parts for an animal they don't give a rat's behind about, besides bringing money to their district, so they get involved in CITES.


Yes the birds are being captured in a VERY terrible way, but they are readily available to anyone that wants one at a shelter for Greys.


People just want a perfect one. So they go to the breeders or black market.



Much like dogs and cats, but you dont see any senators or congressman getting on that bandwagon for that.


Adopt a Grey, stop buying them. That will end the piracy, not all the sh*& they put me through to rescue one.



Everyone has a skin in the game, and the only one's that suffer are the Greys.



Here is something open your eyes to the real problem, and stop the Government red tape.



If you really are a hero for the Grey's and want to stop the piracy, instead of busting people's private parts for rescuing them, have them visit one of the many shelters for Grey's


That will decrease the demand, simple accounting, less demand lower price, and piracy decreases. Supply/Demand.


And if anyone wants a horny bird from Africa to dilute the very shallow gene pool here in America, let me know, its free LOL.



Really guys look at the whole picture, and you will see that Grey's are just pawns in the bigger game.

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I had to read that three times to catch what KevinD meant by being politically incorrect. Ok, 'man' vs. 'person'. Death to figures of speech! We can't have that!!


Interesting world we live in right now. However remember, the pendulum is nearing maximum away from it's equilibrium and will be returning home like a chicken to it's roost!



Particle physics ....

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Oh and one more thing for those of you looking for the PERFECT grey, there are none.


The Grey will be as perfect as you care for them, time, all it takes is time and love and understanding. They expect nothing more or less. In the end they are like your kids, a product of the time and love and care you put into them.


If you ignore them, then you get what you get.


You have to treat them as your children.


Sounds crazy, but it is the truth. And you will get the same result.

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