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JNKIR7 wrote:

allso he is between twelve and fifteen years old


12-15 Years young, right?B)


Nutriberries its new to me. Let him adjust then introduce some new foods. In time he'll try em. He'll even get tired of nutriberries, they always get bored eating the same thing all the time. My birds munch on their rowdy bush pellets early in the morning b4 I get up, I don't see them but the evidence is gone so it must be going somewhere! lol


They usually realllly like oatmeal and also sweet potatoes (cooked, of course) and both are really good for them. You can crush up some pellets, and hide it in the oatmeal. How about some sugar snap peas, apple slice (no seeds-toxic). Mine also llllove salmon. Have fun with your new fid!



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Hello Janie,


Sound like you and Echo are getting along good. Your vet unless he did a DNA test. Your vet was just saying it in general if you ask me. Is your vet a avain vet? That is very important. Just love him/her and enjoy every minute with him/her. They are special and you seem to have the patience you need with birds. Way to go!!! keep up the good work with Echo. Good work on the rescue,some birds really need it thats for sure.

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yes it was a general observation he didnt really know and yes he is a avian vet echo loves oatmeal and he likes to drink any thing thats warm he loves grapes ,apples eggs he just doesnt like pellets but i keep offering him some maybe someday he will eat some but he looks great when i picked him up he looked like a picked chicken now he has feathers not all yet but some vet said he thought he would get them all back

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You deserve great Karma for taking in this very deserving one. :cheer: Cheer to Janie!

Now that's commendable. :woohoo: I know of one reallly lucky birdie this Christmas. Now he/she doesn't have to be alone anymore. Merry Christmas Echo!


ps: I don't knwo where u live, but some parrot shops will take a toenail clipping when you go in for grooming, they'll give you a little form and envelope to fill out and you enclose around $30 for a DNA gender test.


That is how I found out that my Buddi is a female.

I thought she was, she has a small rounded head, it's not big and flat on top like many males and she has grey edges on her under-tail coverts.


happyhappy Friday joanne

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  • 2 weeks later...

well echo got mad and plucked feathers. i thought we were over that! the people who gave him to me came to see him he didnot like it, after they left he pulled feathers again. they talked about taking him home with them to visit ,i dont think its a good idea i dont know what to do he clearly doesnt want them around. we were doing great he had lots of feathers coming in now hes pulled them so we start over i love this bird and he loves me im afraid if they take him they wont bring him back he just got a new cage powder coated has had three trips to vet

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I am so sorry to hear this but it does not surprise me in the least. If they were neglecting him so much why would they want to take him home with them to visit. This bird has surely thrived in your care and you need to make them understand that he has a new loving home now and if they really loved this bird they will allow you to keep it.


I am so pleased and happy that you have established a good relationship with this grey and I pray that you will be allowed to keep it. How these other people could treat it the way they did and supposedly love it is beyond me, they certainly do not deserve another chance, they blew the one they had.


I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers that you will be allowed to keep this grey for they can see for themselves that it is doing great under your care. Keep us informed, JNKIR7, we want to know how this plays out.

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A very bad idea for them to take the bird home for a visit. Either it's your bird now, or it's their bird. Can't be both - too confusing for the bird going back and forth. Hope it works out that you get full possession of this Grey, then no more worries!


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