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This Could Be Bad


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About 2 years ago I had a bad bout of pneumonia. It took 3 bouts of antibiotics to get rid of it. After my doctor told me my lungs were clear, I was still having episodes of bad breathing. Lots at the beginning. Now I have episodes a couple of times a week. I honestly had decided that my ever inventive body had found a new way to have panic attacks, so I never mentioned it to my doctor. Until I had an episode right in her office. So she freaked out a bit and sent me to a specialist. They did a chest xray, but there was a mighty thunderstorm on the day of my visit and a power outage kept him from viewing the xray. But here's the scary part. He told me it could be an allergy to Dorian. He's sending me for a CT scan of my lungs later on this week, and apparently he'll be able to tell from that whether it's Dorian or not. I see him in August. Needless to say this is keeping me up at nights. What if they tell me my breathing difficulties are because of Dorian? What will I do? It's easy for them to say get rid of the bird, but he's my baby. Nobody else understands why this is such a huge thing, but I know you guys would understand. I'm hoping they tell me it's just damage from the pneumonia, but what if they tell me I'm basically allergic to my boy?

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Keep in mind he's going to give you his best guess. Doctors practice, doesn't mean they know.


I have a co-worker that landed in the hospital for a week and then on bed rest for nearly the exact same thing you mentioned. Her doctor's advice was to get rid of her budgies and her cockatiel as they were, in his opinion, the cause of this. She ended up re-homing the budgies as they were super messy and left feathers all over the house. However she couldn't part with the cockatiel. We're about 10 months out and she's doing ok. As you know a cockatiel is a heavyweight in the dust/dander department. Eventually we think with her it's the same as you, previous damage from a bout with bronchitis or pneumonia.


I have the same issue to a lesser degree. I got bronchitis really bad from racing in the rain and cold and damaged my lungs. My first bout with it went 6 months of nearly non-stop coughing fits. Now I seem to get a recurrence about once a year.


There is a test you can get that will tell you exactly what you are allergic too. I have no idea the accuracy, probably higher than a doctor's opinion.

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Perhaps consider an air purifier, if you don't already have one. We have one produced by Blueair (Swedish company), but there are other models and producers. Believe it makes a huge difference in terms of dust.... the good,ones are not cheap, but believe worth trying before ever considering getting rid of your grey baby.....

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My thought was the same as SterlingSL, there should be a test for an actual allergy. What a scary thought though! I think as the others mentioned there are steps you could take if it did turn out to be an allergy. I had shots for allergies when I was younger, the homeopathic type from the allergist. My allergies aren't gone, but they are much improved. There are lots of things you can try if it is an allergy before you have to consider rehoming Dorian. Prayers!

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Oh believe me I can't get rid of Dorian. He's my baby. I shape my whole day around his routine. I'm just upset at the thought that he could be at the root of my problem. I still think it's damage from the pneumonia since I never had a problem before. Getting an air purifier is on the to do list.

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When I was 13-14 I caused a little trauma that ended w/my being medically tested every which way they could. I tested highly positive for environmental allergies, incl critter. When I asked the doctor which he said, "Put it this way... you can keep goldfish."


That was major because we basically had a small zoo. Not a goldfish among the lot.


The whole time we waited at the druggist for my new allergy scripts, I was basically begging my mother to keep our babies & give me away. Fortunately she was a great Mom who made it possible to keep us all.") ...back when when there were so many less options than today.


I found if I keep everything bird away from where I sleep it's a huge help. I change before I go to bed. Schedule my meds late. Maybe use some Vick's VapoRub on bad nights. Run one of these.






Air purifies are a little tricky. There are rules about what can & can't be around fids. Like some create ozone which shouldn't be around at all. I also have a problem w/ the noise (headaches) & spending ridiculous money on filters.


I keep my face out of things that make bad matters worse. Like I don't smell flowers, shoulder birds or hug cats. I'll often use a face mask when I clean. When I clean cages or other tough places, I'll plan to shower & change after.


There can be ways to live w/allergies w/o eliminating their causes. Sometimes, it's not about what you're allergic to, but how allergic. If there's multiple potential causes, how many trip your trigger at a time.


This could be bad. Some problems are too serious to work around. But wait to get the test results. You may very well only have to change the way you do things from now on. Hoping to hear it's that one real soon.

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Definitely things you can do to make less airborne bird dust. Spray the cage paper with some water before changing it out to fix the dust in place. A really good air purifier like Rabbit which should be on the away side of his cage form where you spend the most time. Frequent misting of Dorian with water or Aloe vera juice, again to keep the dust from becoming airborne. You could consider an outside aviary as well for part of his day. My brother developed Asthma while a child and had some very scary episodes, the Dr. advised getting rid of all our pets except the Goldfish. Mom and Dad said the cats and Parakeet were family members and my brother had to take the series of shots which did greatly improve his breathing but I left the house on shot days. It may be that the Pneumonia did some damage to your lungs and the dust may just exacerbate the issue.

Edited by Greywings
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I keep my face out of things that make bad matters worse.




I had to laugh at that. First thing I do every morning when getting the babies up: GreycieMae is first because she's the queen, I rotate her off her perch lay her upside down in my hand and stuff my nose under her wing. Sometimes I give her a good farty noise and we both have a laugh, or I just soak up the warmth I feel from her little body and give her kisses all over her belly. I wouldn't be able to live if I had to keep her out of my face.

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I literally couldn't live if I didn't. Something I was reminded of a few years back.



But I can cheat, some. I can hug a dog, most days. Kura doesn't seem to bother me much. I can smell all the Roses except on extreme days. Lilies, ferrets, Too's however are toxic enough that sleeping beside any one of them might be the end of me.

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I have as good as a Too here. Dorian's still doing his Too impression!


I got a call from the Dr.'s office today after my CT scan. There are shadows on my lungs so I have to go to a respirology clinic and see a specialist now. Crap!

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  • 1 month later...

Hello Acapella, I have chronic lung disease; Pulmonary Fibrosis, Pulmonary Hypertension and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Giving up my bird was not an option for me. My lung disease is caused by Rheumatoid Arthritis, so giving up Abbie would not make a difference in my health. We did have a whole house air filtering system installed, and replaced carpets with hardwood flooring. Abbie is bathed daily (which she does not appreciate) and, her cage is kept scrupulously clean. It was bad enough getting this disease, I could not make it worse by rehoming my little birdy. Also, she is bonded to my husband more then me. I could not take her away from him either. It's a tough decision, very personal.

Abbie is the light of our lives! Every day we whistle a duet (several times over!) of "Deep In The Heart Of Texas" :o) That alone, makes my day much brighter!

Take care everyone!

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Well, it's official, I have asthma. I just got back from the specialist. He didn't tell me to get rid of the animals, but he said they don't help. Oh well, another diagnosis to add to the list. lol


So, then "all" you need to do is change your approach & get some meds? That's pretty good news, actually.

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I know it could have been a lot worse. I have to take a puffer once a day, and I have a rescue inhaler for my 'episodes'. I just wasn't excited about adding another label to my life. Fibromyalgia, arthritis, bi-polar 2, bad back, asthma, so I was having a bit of a pity party. I'm hoping to save up the money to buy a good air cleaner to help with Dorians dander, and he's going to have to get used to more regular baths, especially in the winter when he's really not a fan. Thanks for your support guys. I really do appreciate it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I am late to the post, but can certainly relate to your fear. I have never had upper respiratory problems other than the occasional cold until last winter - my first winter with a grey. My doctor knows me well, so after a couple of months of it, she told me she thought it may have something to do with my birds. I told her I didn't want to hear it. I went straight home and put a humidifier beside Kya's cage and started daily baths. I don't have an air purifier yet, but if it starts in again this winter, will probably buy one. Oh, and I added another grey (after being told that the one I had might be my problem...) just to shake things up a bit. She tried to talk me into having allergy testing for bird dander, but I told her that I did NOT want to know. (I work for her so she knows what she's up against.) My allergies this summer have been worse than they have ever been, but I've heard other people say that, too.


Kya came to us because the woman had COPD and asthma, and no clue of how to attempt to deal with it, so he wound up stuck in a room by himself in a small cage. She really loved him and the only reason she finally caved in and rehomed him was because he started plucking. She finally did what was best for him and her, and I am in constant contact with her. But she never knew that there were things she could do to keep the dander down, never bothered to research. Kya and Gracie both have learned to love their daily baths, and I take allergy meds daily. I won't consider giving them up. I will just keep doing whatever I have to do to keep the dander to a dull roar.


And, it's funny (not ha ha funny) but I have continued to have fleeting episodes with my breathing that I have associated with mini panic attacks. I am the queen of denial.


Hope you are feeling better with your inhalers. You might see about taking singulair daily, as well. That seems to help.

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