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Bird on fast!


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My grey stopped eating her food, even her favourite ones, since yesterday. She seem to be sitting far away from her bowl for some reason. I have tried giving her multi-vitamin and liv 52 syrup smeared on a biscuit in case its a digestion issue. She nibbles at the biscuit and seem disinterested which is very unlike her. Any suggestions on what should be done to get her back on track.




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Suggest a Veterinarian consult or visit it is too difficult to know what is going on from the other side of a computer screen. Something may be very wrong like an infection or heavy metal poisoning. or it could be just got a scare when she was near her bowl and is now avoiding the area. Try some warm cooked sweet potato mashed well with a little ginger. Do call a Vet they have very little resilience when ill and don't show symptoms unless they are in need of help.

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My grey stopped eating her food, even her favourite ones, since yesterday. She seem to be sitting far away from her bowl for some reason. I have tried giving her multi-vitamin and liv 52 syrup smeared on a biscuit in case its a digestion issue. She nibbles at the biscuit and seem disinterested which is very unlike her. Any suggestions on what should be done to get her back on track.





Please let us know have things are going.....

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