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Teaching Parrot What Water Is


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I thought it would be a good idea a while back to teach my CAG Snickers what water is, by saying water whenever I let him have a sip from my glass of water.

At first he only occasionally requested water which I immediately rewarded to ensure connection was made: water request = water offered.

Big mistake.

Over last couple months he's become a very water-demanding creature!

He says "Canna water" and continues to demand it if ignored.


His first request of the day (usually in the afternoon) seems to be genuine thirst (yeah, he has his own water bowl) but he will take a good 10 - 12 swallows of my water.

But his later requests appear to just be demands for my attention - with only a sip taken, or more, grabbing cup edge and refusing to let go.

I've even deliberately filled his water dish directly from my cup to show it is the same water.


Last evening, when I offered him some apple (his favourite fruit) -- I dampened his apple cubes under the faucet before offering them. He ate most of it.

So I knew he was NOT thirsty but he kept demanding water anyway. Just to make me walk over for him to barely take a sip.


So -- what do I do? I created a monster.

Do I just continue to say 'no' and ignore him when I know he's not really thirsty?


Or, is it possible he doesn't really understand water at all, but just connects it to me giving him more attention?


(Yeah, I didn't think this training through... It's just I have more time to devote to him these days and had never really worked with him before with this type of training).

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He likes the attention. Is that so bad?


On average Greys also like to drink from cups. They seem to just like cups in general. See what happens if you give him his own. Phenix plays hockey w/his. Elvenking's Isaac plays fetch.


Greys also tire of things. It takes longer if they think they're yanking someone's chain or if nothing better comes along in the meantime. So what have you got that's more fun...?

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Both of mine love to drink from mugs. They demand juice at least once a day. Their favorite is cranberry grape. And, yes, I know they love it, but I also think they do it for attention. They like to sit on their huge mugs and make a big ordeal out of it.

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So -- overall -- is this him truly understanding he asking for water -- has he actually learned to request water specifically? (albeit abusing his water privileges somewhat -- lol)


Or, he is only associating 'water' with my attention, not understanding the request means 'I want water' not 'come here" ?


Thanks for the replies.


I honestly don't mind him requesting water -- but I need to know if this is purely attention seeking (which he also gets plenty of) or if he's understanding he is asking for water. Thoughts?

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I think it has become both for him, attention or a drink as needed. Nikki bird requests "fresh water" with authority several times a day. So being well trained I take his water bowl rinse and refill with fresh water and in Summer he expects ice cubes to be added. Smarty Pants just makes a thick soup in his bowl-eech!:(

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Oh, they understand that human words mean something. Eventually some will learn to use their words well enough to carry on a meaningful dialogue. And of course, to order the household around. ;)


Meanwhile, there is something of a translation adjustment ...for us. Sometimes, the words are just nonsense because sounds are fun for them. Sometimes, it's the reaction. Like if they swore for instance & you winced or responded, they might continue just to watch you squirm. Then there's generic applications. Maybe "water" is the blanket word for all drinking from a cup.


Oh, & sometimes, they make up words which might become a catch phrase you can share w/them if you can figure it out.



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It's both. My non-talker will dog whistle me from the sink, which means it's time for the 'beverage cart' service. Yes, our home has beverage cart service similar to an in-flight service. She will usually drink the water she has called for but she also has a fake drink maneuver that she does which looks like she's drinking complete with the little head down and tongue lapping only her beak is on the side of the cup or even on my hand. When she does that I usually go through my 'Greycie you're faking it just to get me to serve you...'. They're too smart for our own good.

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Thanks for all the replies.

Yes -- it's so clear now that he probably associates 'hassuh water & canna water' to drinking anything from my cup. To connect it specifically to the water itself would mean including his own water bowl (which he doesn't seem to include here).


He's already learned a few meanings before like "be careful" and "are you okay" but those he figured out on his own.

This was my first time I was trying to teach him a word=event association myself.


I will plan more carefully what I teach him next, so I don't commit myself to more than I meant to. lol

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