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Klaus, the scrapper!


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Klaus likes to hang out on the kitchen counter. So yesterday when I was trying to pay some bills, I let him hang out there (you know, it's hard to explain to your creditors that your bird ate the bill). I had an empty plastic Kool-Aid pitcher sitting out there, and Klaus was investigating it, chewing it, etc. So all was good. When I finished what I was doing, I went to check on him and he was on the other side of the pitcher where I couldn't see him. He had managed to open his container of NutriBerries, and was happily chowing down. The little scrapper! Never underestimate what they can get open and get at! He cracks me up ... at least it was a nutritious snack!


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Reminds me of the time I was watching TV and realised that Liath was very quiet. She is normally sitting on me when I want to relax! I went to find her and one of the kids had left a bag of grapes on the dining room table. Liath was sitting in the bag, covered in bits of grape, one foot poised in the air with a half eaten grape and she looks up guiltily! Of course she had taken bites out of most of the grapes in the bag, and lets just say the poop I cleaned the next day was NOT pretty!

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