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The Return

Ray P

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As neoow pointed out in the thread Cage aggression tips the door perch is also a good way to get your fid to go back in to the cage.

When I work with a new bird I also use the door perch when it comes to returning them to their cage.

When it1s time to go back I would let them see me put a favorite treat into their cage as I move them to the door perch and each time they see me put in a different place in the cage.

As they get used to the treat always being in the cage it`s no longer a punishment to go back

The next step after they know there will be a treat in the cage is not let them see you put their treat in the cage so when the go back in their cage it`s fun to watch them go looking for it.

When working with your fids always make it fun and rewording and they will love you for it.

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Good idea, Nilah is very territorial of her cage in springtime. I can't even put my fingers near her cage or she tries to bite them, but only in the spring...when she comes out her her cage after I get home from work, she's a sweetheart tho.

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Great question. My greys always make me follow them around trying to get them to step up. I guess to them it is exercise time before having to going back to "jail". Unfortunately this is why Sterling Gris learned the phrase "damn bird"... After the "chase" they readily fly to their room and step up and I can put them in their cages with no problem. They have also gone back in on their own as this is where they know dinner awaits them.


I go into the cages as I please. No aggression as I am the leader of the pack or food machine.

Edited by luvparrots
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I, long ago, trained my two to go back into their cages on command. This took some time, but was well worth it. Now when someone comes unexpectedly, I can tell them cage and they will go in. Of course they get an almond for their troubles! LOL And of course now it is just Peanut.

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