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Thanksgiving plans?


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I'm just curious what everyone is doing for Thanksgiving?


I'm going to Hawaii!!!!!:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: And actually I'm trying to see if I can meet up with Makena, not sure yet but I'm gonna try! I'll be there for 2 weeks I am so jazzed! I'll be staying in Kaneohe which is a Marine Corps base on Oahu. My best friend's husband(my cousin) is stationed there in the Navy, I 'll come back and post tons of pics I'm sure!


How about ya'll any plans?

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Thanksgiving is next Thursday.

My mother-in-law has her Thanksgiving dinner on every year at noon (the poor woman starts cooking at 5:00 am - yikes!). So we always go over there, then watch the football game. I'm just thrilled to have a 4-day weekend coming up!

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I am going to my daughters for Thanksgiving, she is doing the turkey and I will contribute some side dishes. I don't watch football games, I will probably scour the newspaper for early morning bargains for shopping on Black Friday, last year some stores opened at 5 am. I love a 4-day weekend too.

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We will be cooking turkey and fixins at our place. Gonna give deep fat frying a try...done lots of research on the proper/best techniques. Bought a nice deep fat fyer! Should be fun, provided I dont suffer 3rd degree burns or burn the place to the ground...like most things, seems with proper care and preparation risk is minimal. I hear turkey comes out AWESOME with this cooking method. Will let you know how it goes! :P

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Sounds yummy Mark! Let us know how it comes out. I too, have heard that the turkey is delicious cooked that way.


Most of my family comes to my house for Thanksgiving dinner. So I get stuck doing just about everything, but the kids enjoy having the family around, so it's worth it. :)



Judy, you are crazy to shop the day after Thanksgiving, standing in line for hours just to save money? Not me, I'd rather pay more than fight those crowds! :pinch:

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I would be there if I wasn't so far away!!!


We are doing Thanksgiving at our house but not on Thursday. Andrew has to work, so I think we are doing it this Monday :ohmy:!! We have a bunch of friends coming over so it should be a lot of fun!


This is Andrew's first year ever of not doing Thanksgiving with his family and he is really bummed about it. I am cooking everything like his mom does to make it special for him :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

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Thats too bad that you two are so far away that you cannot spend the holiday with family, but hey you take lemons and make lemonade, right!!!!


Thats really sweet of you Kristin, to fix all his Mom's favorite dishes for your Thanksgiving dinner, that is true love if ever I have seen it, and I hope you have a wonderful dinner with friends even if it isn't on Thursday. Have a wonderful holiday, Kristin and Andrew.

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