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An African Gray in San Diego

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Hi everyone.


My name's Chris. My African Gray's (Congo) name is Harriet. She's about 9 months old. She's my first bird... so hopefully, I don't do too many wrong things! That's why I'm here.


Harriet is awesome. She likes to talk to me, get petted, and eat dried bananas, fresh green beans, and fresh green apples (all her favorites).


She does not like stepping up without stirring up drama (with occasionally biting), but we're working through that... slowly.


Oddly enough, she has "captured" my allergy coughing as though she were Memorex. It seems allergies spread.


We're in sunny San Diego.


And I'm glad that this GreyForums community is here!

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Hello and welcome to the family, Chris, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Harriet. I'm sure she is an awesome grey, they all are in my opinion, very beautiful creatures.


A grey is not the ideal first bird but now that you have her you know that she is different from other types of birds. I would recommend that you get a copy of the book "For the Love of Greys" by Bobbi Brinker, it is full of helpful information.


Please read thru our many threads on various topics for lots of useful information on all aspects of caring for this awesome creature. We will do our best to answer any questions you may have and you already have asked a few and we will help you in any way we can.


I'm sure as time goes by there will be more of these memorex moments, they are masters of mimicry and you will be amazed at what they can copy and she will probably start talking soon if not already.


If you have some pictures of Harriet that you would like to share with us please do, we would love to see her.


As for the stepping up, we have a few threads that deal with that, please just do a search and find and read them, they may help you find a solution.

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Ask and ye shall receive, I see you posted a photo while I was writing a response to your first post, she is beautiful, but then I haven't seen any ugly ones yet, thanks for sharing that with us.


To tell you the truth, she looks older than 9 months, the eyes have that much lighter color to them, are you sure of her age?

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Hi Judy,


Thanks for your comments. I have added "For the Love of Greys" to my book ordering list.


I'll also try out the search tool you mentioned for the stepping up woes.


Yes, I have a date of birth certificate that the first parent provided me with. So, she's certainly at 9 months. It could be the San Diego sunlight bouncing in her eyes, lightening 'em up more than if the light source had just been room lighting. I have noticed a remarkable coloration difference in the two settings.


Hehehe. Thanks again.

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