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The funniest things your grey does / says


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"Bye bye, poo poo heads. Give me a kiss."


"Come here, Pedro. Give me a kiss." (Pedro is our grouchy rescue terrier who hates Kya and would gladly eat him if he could.)


Farts, farts and more farts.


"Stop it right now!" (When the dogs bark or the other birds think it's acceptable to chatter.)


"All the little birdies just chirp, chirp, chirp." (They apparently aren't supposed to, this is said with great disdain for the "little" birdies.)


"WHAT???" (To everything you say to him - he reminds me of my son when he was little stalling for an answer.)

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Haha yours made me laugh.


My dad taught Alfie to say "Oi! Put the kettle on!" when he was younger but I haven't heard him say that for quite some time.


My dad also taught him to say "nag nag nag nag!" and even managed to get him to associate it with my mum. My dad would say it whenever my mum walked past- so that was her "name". Needles to say, she wasn't too happy about it.


Speaking of teenagers... I got Alfie when I was 17. He mimicked my mum calling my name and then my sulky teenager "What?" response. He also calls for my mum... "muuuuum!" He has recently started doing this again as I call my housemate down for dinner and apparently me calling his name reminded Alfie of me calling for my mum - so when dinner is being prepared he starts yelling "MUUUUUUUUM!" and quite often my housemate will appear- as he knows that means dinner is almost ready. :D


Alfie has been learning various animal noises. So he now says "What noise...." followed by a few quacks. (I ask him "what noise does a duck make" but he can't quite mimic the whole sentence yet)

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So cute, neoow! Kya does the "Quack, quack, quack", but he's mimicking a ringtone that I had on my phone.


He also carries on in my 5 year old grandson's voice, which is hysterical, but we can only understand half of what he says - "cookie", "I'm hungry" and the occasional bad word that he came to us preloaded with. It's very odd to hear that in a child's voice!

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The funniest thing I think that Dorian has picked up is saying "Viewer Discretion" as in the "Viewer Discretion is Advised" warning before some television shows. I don't know what it was about that phrase that caught his interest, but it did make me look at the number of shows I watch that have that warning attached to it!!!

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Sterling Gris is my big talker. A few things he says are: "Feed me, feed me, I'm a starving birdie." "Open the door, i want to come out. Hello." "I'm too sexy for myself, too sexy." His favorite song phrase to sing is, "Irene good night, Irene good night." Ana Grey's favorite is "Want a nut." Although she can talk, she let's Sterling Gris do most of it. She knows she is always first. First fed, first out off cage, etc. She is the boss and Sterling Gris although twice her size knows it and follows her lead.

Edited by luvparrots
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Timber doesn't really have any interesting/funny sayings. He did learn a new phrase that I am able to make out now. When I am in the bathroom (near his cage) he and I chat and whistle back and forth. The other day, he said "what'd you say" clear as a bell when I was in the bathroom (so apt because I was talking to him). My husband is not hearing like he used to, so that is a phrase he hears often now. He also start making a new sound (hard to describe) and I couldn't figure out where he got it. Then I was watching the news and realized what it was. When President Trump signs those executive orders, you can hear all the camera flashes going in the background. That was the sound! Perfect mimic.

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These are cracking me up! Love "Viewer Discretion" !! I think my all time favorite of HRH Inara's is instead of WTF she says, "What the quack?!!" She made it up herself (thank goodness!) one day after hearing my Joe for the scrillionth time stop himself at "What the..!!?"


Here is a quick vid (I'm still learning Sterling!) in cartoon mode of her most fun/funny things she does. She insists on listening to "Walk Like An Egyptian" by the Bangles every morning. She calls it "Way Oh," and gets irritated with our Amazon Alexa when she demands, "Alexa! Way Oh!" and Alexa comes back with, "I can't find the selection Way Oh, but here is a song you might like by Kenny G."


Here is a link to her dancing/rockin' out to Walk Like An Egyptian this morning



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Ahh...love a girl with some boogie in her! I would be re-programming Alexa to play Walk Like An Egyptian when asked for Way Oh. There would be none of that Alexa insubordination in my house!


Not the funniest thing GreycieMae does but the lil HRH video reminded me of this morning when I was cleaning the bird room before work. I always bring in my JBL Xtreme bluetooth speaker (cause it's LOUD!) and start rocking the bird room while I'm cleaning. That along with the shop vac that I use in there creates a real riot. They absolutely LOVE the noise and commotion. At one point one of GreycieMaes favorite songs came on (I can't remember which one dang it) and I looked up at her and asked if she wanted to dance. So I held up my hand and she grabbed hold with one talon and we both started bobbing our heads. If only I would have a way to video that I'm sure it looked hilarious...

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Oh, Inara, Walk Like an Egyptian is perfect for grey dancing! Never thought of that one! Kya's favorite song is Long Haired Country Boy by Charlie Daniels Band. He absolutely goes nuts when we play that for him, but has not figured out how to ask for it yet.


Another funny thing he does is try to talk himself out of things. I was sick a couple of weeks ago, lying on the couch about 3 weeks from his cage. Kya is definitely a daddy's boy, and only likes me when daddy isn't home. I guess I had been lying around too much for him - I had the flu, and he wasn't too happy with me. I was trying to go to sleep and for a good 30 minutes, he said "Don't bite the momma. No bite the momma. Be a good boy" over and over and over again. Needless to say, I gave up on my nap and got up to go into the kitchen and in the sweetest voice possible, he said "I love you, give me a kiss". I got suckered right in, walked over to his cage and as soon as I put my lips next to the bars for a kiss he made the lunge. Little turkey psyched me right out with all his professions of being a good boy...


Kya also does a perfect rendition of the dogs squeaky toys, much to the dogs dismay. If he can't see them, he will do his squeaky toy noises and make them come running. Then he starts talking to them. For months, he thought every dog was a "Farrah" - that was the name of his former owners dog. He's finally learned our dogs names, and uses them a lot. The dogs come running every time. He calls my daughter "Alex". Her name is Tia. No one knows where that came from, but as soon as she walks in the door he does his wolf whistle and yells "Hello, Alex!"


SterlingSL, we always crank it up on cleaning day, too. My husband says that from outside, it sounds like a very wild party in the jungle. Kya loves to dance and whistle along.


And "viewer discretion" is hysterical!

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Well Dayo says a lot of interesting things with his 600 + words and phrases that are funny and also shows the ability to make up combinations of them that are quite funny, yet express his feelings at the moment.


I work from home full-time and do software engineering support and am constantly on the phone throughout the day. At times Dayo becomes annoyed with the phone calls and when I get another call he will say "Hello? Talk to the Meatloaf!" and then make the clunking sound of the phone dropping on to the Base to hang it up.


What I find funny, is a Meatloaf of course is an inanimate object that could careless how long the person talks. Dayo seems to understand that. He is very creative in my opinion.

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So your the meatloaf then? Dayo is very....smartypants. That's very funny.


If you don't mind me asking, who do you work for? I would love to get a work-from-home gig and spend time with my birdies. I am a software eng. too currently working for a firm that does network solutions for the big wireless telcos.

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Kya can manage to string together some pretty good sentences, too. And, if you give it some thought, they always make sense, even though it may not sound that way to some.


We don't work from home, but I do spend all day on the phone at work - I am a phone triage nurse for a busy doctors office. Unless it's my adult kids, I rarely answer the phone at home. I'm basically just done talking by then. But, when the phone rings, Kya will say "Hello? Uh huh. Okay. No. Bye Bye!" I know he wonders why I rarely answer it. "Talk to the meatloaf" is priceless.


I should sit down sometime and try to see how many words Kya has in his vocabulary. I bet it's close to 400. We've only had him a year and he spits out something new every day.

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So your the meatloaf then? Dayo is very....smartypants. That's very funny.


If you don't mind me asking, who do you work for? I would love to get a work-from-home gig and spend time with my birdies. I am a software eng. too currently working for a firm that does network solutions for the big wireless telcos.


I suppose I could be the Meatloaf.. LOL!


I work for Bradford Technologies Inc. We provide Software and services for Real Estate Appraisers and also link directly in to Banks, Lenders and AMC' via our Software for delivery of the Appraisal. The only reason I am able to work from home is I have been with this Company since 2002 and worked my way up to being the COO. Then my wife became disabled to the point I needed to start staying home to assist her. I stepped down from my position as COO and started doing the Software engineering support for our Clients. All other employees work from the office.


There are companies out there that do hire and let employees work from home but normally require some office time as well. I do hope that you can get on with a Company that would enable you to be home and work even if it was not everyday.

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I should sit down sometime and try to see how many words Kya has in his vocabulary. I bet it's close to 400. We've only had him a year and he spits out something new every day.


That is impressive. You should start a spreadsheet and list them. I did that until it hit 500+ and stopped due to deciding why bother... LOL it would never end over time. :)

Once they pick up such a dialogue you will find they can pick up and use a new word in one day and use it in context, which I believe at your point that is already happening.

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That is impressive. You should start a spreadsheet and list them. I did that until it hit 500+ and stopped due to deciding why bother... LOL it would never end over time. :)

Once they pick up such a dialogue you will find they can pick up and use a new word in one day and use it in context, which I believe at your point that is already happening.


Agreed! I used to keep a log of HRH Inara's vocabulary, and then just dropped it, as she continues to just keep on going and definitely in context!


"Talk to the meatloaf" just slayed me!! :D

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Got a new one lol....


Sukei has a big 60 inch 4k TV to watch now, and seems to be picking up things more than the old 50 inch 1080P, Im not sure it's it is the resolution or the sound quality, also the proximity.


He is about 20 feet away instead of 50 feet away.



Anyways, I had the DVR running while we were out shopping, because I suspected he was was picking up things from the TV after the movie "Arthur" SLUT incident. lol. Long story, anyways, he started saying Sukei American , Sukei American.



I rewound the DVR, and found a swearing in ceremony for new US citizens on the news, because one of the British anchor news man was there to get his citizenship and they were doing a story on it.


Somehow, he picked up he was now in America........I swear LOL......too funny.

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Karen, I think Kya does the "okay, bye" thing trying to get me off the phone, as well. Just as a little subliminal message...And I work as a phone triage nurse in a busy doctors office, so when I get home, I literally hate talking on the phone - most of my conversations with the outside world are by text or very brief if someone calls. My family knows my brain has stopped cooperating by the end of the work day so they don't expect much from me.

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When I'm on the phone, it is apparent to Timber that my attention isn't on him (as it should be) so he "encourages" me to do the right thing. Funny because my kids were the same. They'd be playing along just fine until someone called then they had to have my attention NOW. Before I retired, I spent a lot of time on the phone at work. As you said, the last thing you want to do when you get home is be back on the phone! After two years I'm still a "phoneaphobe"

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