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Going on Holidays


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This coming summer I'm planning on going on holidays for a week and have begun my search for a someone to watch Sully while I'm away, and it's already starting to stress me out! I don't have anyone in my family near by that I could have watch him so I've started to search for parrot boarding online and came across several in my area. However this makes me very nervous! The idea of leaving Sully with a complete stranger is a scary thought! Any advice or suggestions would be great! I just don't want to go about this the wrong way and stress Sully out anymore then I know he will be! Thanks! (Anyone from southern Ontario?! lol)

Edited by SullysMom
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What I've found helpful is to network a little on some local FB parrot groups. Here we have North Texas Parrots and a few others that I regularly frequent. Then you meet those people at bird fairs, see their posts, you get a sort of feel for who they are - kind of like here at GF. However GF is very low attendence so there's likely no one here in your area. Where do you live by the way? I doubt anywhere near me.

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For a long time we had a great vet who also boarded. It's easy to think all critters hate the vet & wouldn't that be stressful? But it was actually the opposite. After Phenix spent days being the center of attention & admiration, he didn't actually think the vet's was all that bad anymore. Routine check ups actually became a non-issue for the most part which was phenomenal.


It made me feel pretty good because there was quality care 24/7 & the best possible medical assistance available at all times.

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I would, except there's no room in my tiny house for another cage. As it is Dorian's cage takes up half the master, and my computer and keyboard take up the rest of the room. If you're willing to drive though I can recommend someone. My groomer boards birds and she's fantastic. They all get their out of cage time and lots of yummy food. She's about a half hour south of me in Blackstock. I can give you her info if you're interested.

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I would, except there's no room in my tiny house for another cage. As it is Dorian's cage takes up half the master, and my computer and keyboard take up the rest of the room. If you're willing to drive though I can recommend someone. My groomer boards birds and she's fantastic. They all get their out of cage time and lots of yummy food. She's about a half hour south of me in Blackstock. I can give you her info if you're interested.


Yes please that would be great!

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  • 2 weeks later...

One thing I have found as long as you KNOW, it is a safe environment, if you can keep them busy till you get back, they will be fine.


Remember the old song "Every needs a little time away" from each other. Peter Cetara I believe.


They are much Like us yet different. The difficulty is finding the balance.

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