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Won't allow bathing


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Sweetheart won't allow me to spritz her or take her to the counter and give her a bowl to splash in or let me sprinkle her with the kitchen hose. Any ideas? Than again she is still getting used to us. How long can I let her go without a bath? I don't want her to get dry skin. The breeder was able to do all of this with her. Should I just give it time till she gets used to us or me? And just want to make sure she isn't in any danger from not bathing. Well I know over a long period of time, but will this be ok? The breeder also said she would get in her water dish in her cage and take a bath and she hasn't done that either but I do have the deep bowls so not sure if that has anything to do with it or not. I don't know what she had before. Any info would help. Thanks!!

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I have something called a Misty Mate. You pump it up, turn it on, and a fine mist comes out. You can control how powerful the mist is by how much air you pump into it. Since the little hose could be startling at first, you can point the nozzle in the air (not at the bird like the picture shows) and the mist will fall lightly on her body. Here is a link:




Also, to keep Nikko's skin from getting too dry in the winter, I run a humidifier. I put Grapefruit Seed Extract in the water to kill any yucky organisms that may be in it.


Since Sweetheart let the breeder bathe her, she must not have a water phobia like some birds have it. It's probably just another one of those things that will take time.

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I don't bathe Klaus. I've heard conflicting info as to whether they really need a bath or not. During the summer on hot days, I would put out a large, shallow bowl of water, but he never did more than peck at it a little. He does bathe himself in his water dish from time to time (as best he can, of course it's not big enough for him to get in).

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If I don't bathe Nikko at least once a week, she gets too dusty. When you tickle her, you end up with a big mess of dust and dander all over your clothes or couch, the air purifiers need cleaned more often, and her feathers get to looking drab. After a nice shower, her feathers look shiny and feel soft, plus I think she seems happier. Sometimes she says, "wanna shower," but I don't know if she knows what she's saying.


The most important time to bathe your bird is during a molt. They get itchy with the pin feathers coming in, and a bath can make they feel better and help the pins open up.

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Hubby works at a hardware store and we found a bug sprayer that is the same exact thing but a little bigger and it was only $8. I will try to mist her while she's in her cage that way she can't realy get away :ohmy: But if she seems terrified or growls I will take time and do it a little every day until she realizes it won't hurt her. Thanks girls!!

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