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Our Rescue CAG


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We have had Captain Jack/Jackie since Nov 14th when we brought him home from the rescue. At the rescue he was surrounded by 14 other CAGs in single cages. Prior to that, he was in a large free flight cage with over 500 birds (World Parrot Refuge).


Currently Captain let's us give head scritches, steps up, takes treats, nuts & pellets from us gently. We have not had much nipping lately as we are getting to know the signs. The vocabulary, whistles and sounds are fabulous.


We/I have opened the cage door many times, allowing time for Captain to come out at his choice. I keep reading that you must let your CAG out several times a day but what if the bird just doesn't want to or is not comfortable/there yet?? Am I a bad parrent? Based on the good health of our CAG, vocabulary, behavior, etc the vet does not feel Captain was in the WPR very long.


We are taking our time and following the lead of Captain Jack. Ultimately he/she is calling the shots.


Any suggestions or just let it happen as our CAG decides?


Thank you,



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Just let your fid decide on his own to come out of his cage. It took my Dorian over a year to venture onto the outside of his cage. It was his safe spot. I just sat outside and chatted to him, fed him treats etc... One day he just ventured out. I was sitting on the floor in front of his cage with my back to him and I heard a click sound, I turned around and there he was hanging off the bottom of his open door!!! I gave him super enthusiastic praise and a treat and he went back in, but that was the beginning of a new life for him. Just make outside the cage look like a fun place to be. Make his toys in front of him. I think a key part of Dorian's eventual exploration was watching me playing with the cat on the floor outside his cage. We were having fun and he wanted a closer look. They are nosey little critters! Captain Jack will come out when he wants to.

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That's what we have been doing. I just read so many posts that you *must* let you CAG out daily. We are letting Captain Jack/Jackie direct how fast or slow we progress. Some days we can do many step ups, other days not s much. Head scritches are a daily event often multiple times and for 10 minutes at a time or longer. Today was the day we decided to bath in our water dish - which was fun to watch. I will now put a larger water dish in the cage in the morning and remove early afternoon, replacing it with the smaller drinking water dish so Jack can dry off.


We are having fun learning about each other. DNA ssexing should be back this week.


Thank you again for letting me know we are on the right track :)


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This was chatty Captain Jack last night :) He is now starting to come out of his cage in the morning after getting his fresh food while I clean his cage, he will then head back into his cage when he is ready :) Progress a step at a time

Also, vet DNA report confirms that we have a male CAG



Cheers & Happy Sunday

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Hi TeeMcF, don't put too much stock in what you are supposed to do, each home, family member and parrot are unique. You are doing all the right things to let Captain Jack come to you on his own terms. It is setting the stage for decades together and you won't regret giving him the space to blossom and to come out to join you soon. He is already showing such good signs of acceptance and interaction with you. You are so observant, watching him for signs and learning how to minimize his discomfort that might lead to nipping. Well done. Listening to him talk on your video is enchanting. I love his deep voice. Our little Miss Gilbert came from a different place, we are going into year six and she still prefers the comfort zone of being inside her cage. She is a prolific talker. But Sterling... be careful what you wish for, I still get weekly cuss sessions from my precious little pearl.

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