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I just got my dad's african grey bird last weekend and I wanted to know how long do you think it will take for him to get used to his new sourondings?My dad had him for as long as I could remember,his name is Dwight and he's 17 yrs old,he hasn't really been talking a lot,he has just been making some noises,what do you think I can do to get him to talk more or does he just have to get used to being at a new place?He really is not a noisy bird thank goodness for that,but I just want him to like it at his new house and everything,any tips or advice would be helpful thank you in advance.I used to have an african grey years ago when I was in high school but she was just a baby when she died,she got very sick,I miss her so much her name was Snowy.

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I'm assuming your Dad's Grey knows you from living in the home previously. It should only take a little while for him to get used to things. How much did you interact with Dwight previously? If Dwight was a good talker with your Dad I see no reason why he would clam up forever. It may take a few weeks or even months for him to get used to your place but I'll bet that process really speeds up if he knew and lived with you previously. Also if you have all his things, cage, toys etc from your Dad's place that will make thing more familiar as well. You just need to have patience with these guys, they are definitely not like dogs and cats but you probably know that.


Sorry about Snowy. They make a place in your heart that lasts forever. It must be pretty special to have your Dad's bird and I love hearing about birds that get taken care of like that.

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They pretty much talk when they're feeling safe and happy. Also, I know my Dorian still mostly only speaks when I'm in another room. He uses speech to bring me to him. Once I'm in the same room as him he doesn't need to speak any more. Dwight will probably start to talk when he's feeling safe and comfortable in his new home. If he is really familiar with you that will speed up the process. It's good to hear about an older grey being taken care of by the next generation of a family. Thank you for taking in Dwight, and welcome to the forum!

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I'm assuming your Dad's Grey knows you from living in the home previously. It should only take a little while for him to get used to things. How much did you interact with Dwight previously? If Dwight was a good talker with your Dad I see no reason why he would clam up forever. It may take a few weeks or even months for him to get used to your place but I'll bet that process really speeds up if he knew and lived with you previously. Also if you have all his things, cage, toys etc from your Dad's place that will make thing more familiar as well. You just need to have patience with these guys, they are definitely not like dogs and cats but you probably know that.


Sorry about Snowy. They make a place in your heart that lasts forever. It must be pretty special to have your Dad's bird and I love hearing about birds that get taken care of like that.


Thanks SterlingSL yes I did spend a lot of timw with him at my dad's house,I would always hear him taking up a storm at my dad's house,my dad wanted to give me Dwight because he really doesn't have the time to spend with him because he is always working and the same thing with his wife my step-mom so they both don't have the time to spend with him,and my dad could tell that Dwight wanted attention and wanted someone to pay attention to him and spend time with him,he really is a great bird,he was talking a little bit earlier this week,but he hasn't really been talking since then,just making noises that he has picked up on from living with my dad.

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Hello and welcome to you and Dwight :) It's great that Dwight already knows you. It does take time for them to adjust to new surroundings though. It took about 3 months for Timber (my rehomed TAG) to get comfortable. If you read through the forum, there are some that adjust more quickly but others that take longer. Have patience and it will pay off! I suspect that if Dwight was a big talker at your dad's he will be again when he settles in.

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Hello and welcome to you and Dwight :) It's great that Dwight already knows you. It does take time for them to adjust to new surroundings though. It took about 3 months for Timber (my rehomed TAG) to get comfortable. If you read through the forum, there are some that adjust more quickly but others that take longer. Have patience and it will pay off! I suspect that if Dwight was a big talker at your dad's he will be again when he settles in.


Thanks,yeah he's a really great bird,he loves getting attention,I just gave him an apple the other day he loved it,he went straight for his peanuts first,he loves peanuts also,but he's just such a great bird.

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Dwight will come around. He's just getting used to his new home and the changes. Are you able to get him out and interact with him daily?


We just rescued a 10 year old a few months ago. He was talking in the car on the way home, but he was so excited to be out of the tiny dark room that they had him in, I'm sure it was only due to finally having human interaction. He hasn't shut his mouth since.


17 years is a very long time to have a parrot, and the change, even though he knows you, has to be a bit confusing to him. I have found that bribery goes a long way with ours, who is more bonded to my husband than me. I am his slave. He calls me "Applesauce" because I was trying to transition him to pellets and mixed applesauce in with them, and got very excited and animated when I talked to him about it, telling him that I had applesauce for him, so he now thinks that is my name. He barks orders at me from his cage - "Applesauce, Kya wants grapes" or apples, or whatever the demand of the moment is. They are so so smart, and I am really surprised that because of his intelligence, it didn't take him longer to adapt, but he had been neglected and off by himself for a long time due to illness of his owner. Dwight probably always had attention and interaction, so he's more concerned about the change than anything else.


Good luck to you, and to Dwight! I know my adult son would take Kya in a heart beat, if I would part with him.

Edited by Kya
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He calls me "Applesauce" because I was trying to transition him to pellets and mixed applesauce in with them, and got very excited and animated when I talked to him about it, telling him that I had applesauce for him, so he now thinks that is my name. He barks orders at me from his cage - "Applesauce, Kya wants grapes" or apples, or whatever the demand of the moment is.


:D I got a good chuckle out of this! I do agree that change from all he has known for 17 years has to be confusing to him and you should expect to hit some bumpy patches in the road along the way but KevinD gave great advice—don't try to force him to do anything. He needs time to adapt to his new surroundings and lifestyle and even though he already knows you, he may need to fully build trust since stability as he's known it has been suddenly taken from him.

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Welcome to you and Dwight. You'd be amazed at how easily our feathered companions can settle in if we allow them plenty of time to just adjust. Since Dwight already knows you, this process should wind up pretty smooth along the line. :) Let Dwight be Dwight, and you just be you, and go about your business while chatting with him, and wait for him to make the overtures. My general tip for people who have never lived with birds as companions (unlike yourself) is to not think of them like dogs and cats whom we can go up to and pet, play with, etc. right away. But to remember that they are like the flighted creatures inhabiting the skies and we are fortunate when they want to alight near us and upon us. So glad you are here, and can't wait to see pics and hear stories as your friendship continues to grow! :)

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