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Three years since Gotcha Day!


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(reminiscing and still thankful and in love with our Feathered gal)


It's hard to believe, but it has been three years yesterday since our little, but imperious and intrepid Royal Highness came to live with us. I will never forget the night that we met her. We had been out looking at various CAGS that had been on Craigslist, and at a local Bird shop in Denver, and she was to be our last stop. Her people lived way way way way out in the middle of nowhere, but their directions were clear and we easily found their place. I had never met a TAG before, and my initial reaction was that she was so tiny compared to my (RIP) wild caught CAG, and wild caught Amazon. Both of which were brutes!


Her lady told us that they had picked her out as a hatchling, and that she was 2 years old. She had become very bitey and while she had been very well loved, they felt it best to find her a new home. Her lady showed some trepidation as I asked her to take the little one out of her cage. She squawked and postured a bit, (Inara, not the lady, Sterling!) but came out. I held out my hand and HRH Inara (not her name then) came right onto it, ran up my arm and placed her cheek against mine and just stayed there. It was love at first sight for the both of us. It has always been my policy that I sleep on making any major decisions when it comes to pets/companions. So we left and I said that I would contact the people the next day one way or the other. As my guy and I settled back into the car, he looked at me and said, "You know, we could save ourselves another 2 hour trip....." I agreed, but insisted that I give her some thought. Next morning, mind was made up and the rest was history.


She came to us unclipped but never learned how to fly. She would just throw herself and crash to the floor. Her (again well intentioned and out of love) diet was one of human comfort foods and fast foods, and her cage was a HUGE macaw cage. Pretty overwhelming for a little TAG. Sometimes bigger is not necessarily better. We gave her a new name, a new start, a new home, and a new life. She settled right in, I taught her to fly, changed her diet, and we are living happily ever after. She is my first "rehomed" bird, as my other two were total and complete rescues and were a mess when I got them with lots of baggage. I would never have traded either of them for the world. I like to think that they led me to her and her to me so that we would both have an easy time of it this go 'round. :) I sometimes wonder how her life would have been had she stayed with her original hoomins or if she had gone off to life with someone other than us. One can never say. She is such a lovable little imp and busy body, and is so attuned to every nuance, verbal and non-verbal.


She has gone from saying a few words (I remember when I was so excited that I used to count how many she knew at first -- 8-10!) to just last week saying her longest impromptu sentence so far: "Good morning sweet bird in the tree out there." Said to a raven who was watching us as we were watching him. We barely bat an eye these days at her incredible language acumen. She is a daily lesson to me in the importance of communication -- in all of its forms. When she calls from her home, "You will come get me?" OK?" I almost always do so. If I can't at the moment, I ask her to wait one minute, then I make sure to go get her. Even if it is just for a short walk around the house, and a little shared snack. I never ever want her to feel as if she doesn't matter, or as if she is something less than a treasured friend and beloved companion, especially since she communicates her needs and wants so clearly in my language. However, I still respect that she is a Bird. I don't try to mold her to be human nor do I have any expectations from her other than that she just be a bird. I would love her as deeply if she never flew, never said a word in human speak, and never allowed me touch her. I owe her that, because even living in a gilded cage is living in a cage. . .


For those of you who are new or are considering finding your own Greyt Companion -- don't be afraid of rehoming/adopting. Do your homework, and don't be afraid to ask questions of the people who are letting their bird go to a new home. Ask to see them handle the bird while you are there, visit a few times to allow the bird to get to know you before just whisking it away. Imagine how you would feel if some stranger (no matter how well intentioned) came into your life, and from your point of view snatched you away from everything and everyone you'd ever know. A person who really cares about their bird going to a good home, will encourage a get to know you period. Above all "Sleep On It" before committing.


For those of you who already know me and HRH and were patient enough to read yet another one of my long and rambling posts, thank you for always being here for us and for everyone else on the forum.


See you later, sweet birds in the trees out there.....




Edited by Inara
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Sweet story and such a sweet birdy. She sounds like such a character. I can only imagine what it's like being around one that can talk so well. They certainly make it a joy to get up everyday and see them.


It seems much longer than 3 years, as if she's always been with us. I always wonder what it's like to have your superplayer GreycieMae! If I tried to handle HRH like you and your baby play, I'm sure I'd wind up missing a limb!!! :D :D Yes, they *do* certainly make it a joy to get up every day. I don't know what I'd do without her. Hugs to you and your wonderful flock!

Edited by Inara
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Inara is your kindred spirit with a gift for words. You have a good approach for a rehomed grey from a loving home. It was different circumstances for us welcoming Miss Gilbert and I slept on it for five months or better. Just as your previous rescues prepared you to bring home Inara, our love and loss of sweet babies prepared my heart for the gift of Gil girl. I am so happy for the experience you have had with Inara HRH, you are a well deserved match and lucky to have Joe putting up .... I mean taking care of both of you. :rolleyes:

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