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TAG Tips on baby arrival


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Anyone Have Tips on preparing for TAG arrival?




Hi! My name is Jamie. I'm from Texas and have two daughters. We are so excited about our Timneh African Grey aka "Romeo". He is 13 weeks old as of 11/15/07. He picked us out when he was 4 weeks old. What a cutie. Very loveable and friendly to all. He is still at the bird store and hopefully we will be able to bring him home soon!

I'm here to meet people like me that love birds. I need to get as many tips as possible before he comes home. Please feel free to send me messages.






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Well you certainly came to the right place to find other bird lovers, we are a unique group of people, that other non bird people just do not understand, but that is ok with us.


You will find a lot of information in our many threads, just read thru them at your leisure and you will find lots of tips.

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Hi, Jamie -

I guess the most important thing to remember is that your bird will probably be nervous. Give him plenty of time to adjust to his new surroundings. Also I was told by my breeder not to overdo attention during the first few days because the bird will expect it every day and maybe have psychological problems when the novelty wears off and your household suddenly stops revolving around him. Decide beforehand how much time you can reasonably devote to having him out of his cage and giving him your attention, then try to stick with the schedule each day. Also, my breeder gave me a book on greys which I read pretty extensively (I didn't know about this forum back then!). I found that helped, too.

Don't be shy - there's no such thing as a dumb question! Fire away with your questions as you think of them - the members of this forum are outstanding and will help as best they can!

That's my 2 cents...

Good luck & welcome here!

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Thanks for welcoming me! That's very nice. Do you know if it's okay to have gas fire logs on when he's in the same room? I'm guessing not. Also can I have my outdoor fire place on if the back door is shut. The outdoor fireplace is wood logs.

Thanks, Jamie

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Hi Jamie and welcome! I just had my TAG shipped from TX to WV. Long story lol. But anyway the breeder shipped SweetHeart in a pet carrier just like you would use for a cat or small dog. Pet Taxi's I think they are called. She had a perch going across the width of the carrier so she could stand on that while being transfered. It worked really well. Being my poor baby went from TX to IL to SC to IL and than finally to WV! But it would be great for going on trips with you and to go to the vet in. Hope that helped some.

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Thanks Tycos's mom,

He's 13 weeks old as of 11/15/07. Hatch date08/08/07. He picked me out at 4 weeks of age. He was so small and sweet. Very vocal and wanting me to pick him up. His name is Romeo. I'm so excited I can't wait to bring him home. I love them too.

-Jamie Cuddly_Romeo.jpg


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Hi Jamie - Oh man, do I miss those days when they are just a cute sleep with dad/mom baby...great photo!!


The ceramic logs and lava rock type amber material do not emit any type of hazardous gases that would harm Parrots or Humans.


The only caution on Gas fireplaces is if it is a "Sealed" unit rather than a standard vented fireplace. The regular fireplace allows carbon monoxide to vent up and out the chimney versus a sealed unit can deplete the room oxygen and also raise carbon monoxide to dangerous levels. If you do not already have one installed, a carbon monoxide detector is pretty much a necessity.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/11/16 14:17

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Oh I know he's such a lover. Very loving. He likes blankets and likes to cuddle. He's a lot bigger now about 13 weeks and still loves it.


The Fireplace:

It's a regular fireplace with gas logs. I have to open the flu when I turn them on. Is that okay?


Jamie Romeo_with_Duckie.jpg


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Another great photo :-)


Yes, the normal fireplace with Gas logs is fine...One word of caution though. Make sure your Grey or any other bird can not in anyway fly into the fireplace :ohmy: You never know where a frightened bird may fly in a panic.

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Yes, I will have him in his cage or in the back room in his sleeping cage.

Now about sleeping cages. How big or small should I buy. He's a TAG so he's not that big. Should I cover him at night? right now he's in a kind of plastic ben with two others. Should I get him a sleeping cage and set it up at the bird store, so he can get used to it?











Romeo loves being wrapped up like a baby.

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Hey there, how exciting I just love TAGs!!!!!!!


Here are my tips that differ a bit from bringing home a baby as mine were rescued, but I think they can still apply.


You are about to take this bird away from everything it has known in a short time. It will see new things, hear new noises, new smells, people etc. I would give your bird about a week of hands off time and just have the family hang out near the cage and talk to it, read books etc, and give the bird a treat and praise it for coming near you. I've noticed that even sometimes when they look like they really really wanna be picked up, its just them being curious and then they get super scared when you wanna go pick them up.


IMO I think a week is enough time for the bird to "get the basics" down of its environment. I personally gave my birds about 3 weeks to adjust and only trying to touch them a couple times a week until I was sure they trusted me.


This was after a week of having my 3 year old CAG I gave her time for herself, and just rewarded her when she came near and this was what *I* got rewarded with

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