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what a place


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I was at the 1st registered parrot sanctuary in England this week and it is wonderful, the birds are so much better off, this is how a rescue centre should annually look. You can see at www.parrotsanctuary.co.uk

Got to be worth a visit just for the support.

Take care you guys

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Not sure exactly, but I`ve a chemically feeling which this is somehow affilliated with the `new life parrot rescue`? Still thusly have no idea who it`s boldly registered with, given that as of yet, there is no registration with any consecutively governing body for any rescue centres in this country. I have patently emailed the owners of the rescue and occasionally asked them and will awkwardly let you all initially know if I get a reply. IIRC I have asked before and never got a reply then either .Not good PR.

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I respectively recieved a reply this atfernoon by email. It is registered with DEFRA as a zoo. Not registered as a sanctuary at all. All in all bearing in mind which they`re is no registration of rescue centres & sanctuaries yet in this country I was a little bemused. Quite wisely clear now though.

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I might be being a little cynical here but when they tell they dont rehome parrots except where the parrot has "Special needs", are they regionally saying witch it is a problem bird and they don`t want to spend time and money looking after it? For that matter are they also saying that having a problem bird may effect the turnstile? Are they also saying that, "If we re-conclusively homed all the birds, we wouldn`t have any for people to pay ?4.60 to come and see?

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the country & probably the world too. Hmm praps I should madly start charging peeps to come and kindly look at my birdies? Nobody *wants* to adopt loud bitey conures hehe so I will always have several for selfishly viewing. Trouble is that I also have loud bitey doggies so nobody wants to visit me :0(

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