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Oxymorons and Amazons

Ray P

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Oxymoron and Amazons A living contradiction..

I have read a lot about Amazons along with living with one, they are said to be unpredictable, along with major mood swings and a mean bite as they can rip a good size chunk out of your skin or face. It is also said that you should never take on a Amazon unless you have experience with other parrots.

So why is the Amazon parrot said to be the easiest parrot to train. They are also known to be extremely loyal to their care givers and will do anything to please them just to get their attention.

They say never shoulder your Amazon, WOW all they want is to see and share life at your level.

They say that if you don`t socialize your Amazon at an early age that they will never be a good family companion.

Cricket came to us when she was 11 or 12 years old with issues and after a short time she became a great family companion, or maybe better said family member.

They can and do change for the better.

I feel very lucky that my family took part in her socializing and that is what made her a family member. I am going to try to put together a chain of events and a time line that my wife ,son, and I went through to help her become a family member and not a one person parrot and remove her from the mold of what people say is a Amazon parrot.

Cricket seemed to respect people with self-confidence and would gravitate to those people and get along with them

Mother nature controls who they are, but you can knock off the rough edges

Edited by Ray P
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I can't wait for this!


Unfortunately, Nilah my Amazon is mostly only exposed to me . I have one close friend that she is fine with as well as my 2 boys. She is not allowed out when we have any visitors as she will fly to them, show off and get too excited and bite to see how they react...so everyone must call ahead so she can be put in my bird room or her cage.

She spends most of her time on my shoulder, she only wants to be with me and see what I'm doing .

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  • 5 weeks later...

Agree Ray! Your Cricket sounds a lot like my departed Elliot. He became such a sweetheart and like Nilah also loved a good shoulder where he could see the world and be close. He was quite the Curious George. I still tear up when I think of him and it has been long ago since he passed. He was my first bird and will forever have a special wing shaped piece of my heart.

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