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A First !


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Hi everyone! Many of you know that HRH Inara is now 5 and has lived with us for 3 of those now. During those 3 years, I have never spent a night away from the house. My Joe travels a lot, so he comes and goes for varying lengths of time. Whenever one of us leaves the house for a short duration (anywhere from going out to the yard, to being gone for a couple of hours) we'll say, "Bye Bye. I'll be back!" On work days, Joe will say, "Bye bye, going to work. I'll be back later." I say the same things on the two days a week that I volunteer. Now on mornings where Joe has taken a shower and then picks up his car keys she will say, "Bye Bye, go to work." So she gets it and is very comfortable with us coming and going in that respect.


BUT since I am her primary caretaker and best all around buddy (although in this last year in particular she also has become very attached to my Joe or "big bird" as she has named him), I had a wee bit o'trepidation about leaving her. However, this weekend, two of my dearest friends and I had arranged to have a reunion which meant my leaving early in the morning on Friday and not getting back until late yesterday (Saturday). This of course meant that Joe would be left in charge of seeing to all care taking duties as well as fulfilling the capricious whims of HRH. :D As I headed out the door, I said, "Bye bye, I will be back later." And hoped for the best!


They both made it through with flying colors and had a greyt time! She was happy as a little clam when I arrived home. Joe stuck with her basic routine, and yesterday morning for her breakfast she flew over to his arm (as she does to mine) as he walked in the room with it, so that they could then sit down together and she could enjoy her breakfast (always part of a buckwheat and berry organic waffle with a skim of red palm oil and tiny "chop" bits or pureed fruits and veggies on it), while perched on his arm. Joe said that Inara enjoyed her breakfast, then her usual out of cage hang time, and then she let him know when she was ready to go home after he had tidied her cage, put in fresh water, and a fresh serving of dry mix for the day.


SOooo to make a short story even longer... HRH *and* Joe have both grown into having a really nice relationship, can do well together without me around to "supervise" and I now feel a newfound freedom in being able to plan for future mini-vacations. Although, that being said my Joe and Inara are my two favorite creatures to spend time with -- so I am in no hurry. :D

Edited by Inara
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What a relief it is when you can go somewhere and come back with everyone pretty much the same as when you left. It always makes you savor being home after a short excursion. Inara has the same outlook as you, its best to be home with just the three of you, but two will do in a pinch. And if Joe doesn't do her bidding he might just get a little pinch.

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I have no trouble leaving Josey when I take my trips as she loves my hubby more than me, he can do anything with her but if I try to intrude on their together time I get the stink eye, I have a good relationship with her but it pales in comparison to what she will do with him, not really jealous but I sometimes wish I could share in some of those lovey times.

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I had my CAG Gracie for about 2 years before I left her with anyone. I live alone, so I left her with my parents (whom she knew pretty well from visits over those two years.) She had stayed in their home overnight several times before, but I was always there. Anyway, when I got back, Gracie was completely smitten with my father-so much so that I felt like chopped liver when I got back. I told my father it was his gray hair and hooked-beak-like nose that prompted her affections (I know, I know--jealousy is an ugly thing). Over the subsequent 2 and a half years, I have grown to appreciate Gracie's "crush" on my Dad. I know when she stays there, she will be happy and excited. Also, she has grown to like my mother as well...but in a more "Yes, there you are to take care of my needs and keep me company when nobody better is around" sort of way. Since then I have been away for business and vacation for up to a week, and all is well. I don't know what I would do without my parents to help out. They are in their 70's, so I need to keep an eye out for other prospects should they be less able to CAG-sit in the future.

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That is so very funny Jeff. I know you love that Gracie is content to visit your parents, but it still stings a little when you come home and get the cold shoulder while she teases you with her new man. I have to admit, when my husband travels, I buy something new and when he comes home, I tell him my boyfriend got it for me because he knew I was lonesome while he was gone. He said, how come your boyfriend uses my checkbook, he owes me a lot of money. My answer "Consider that consulting fees, seems you are a slow learner." Hahaha, that's a game I like to call "You can't win".

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