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I am new in this forum(Joes son)


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My name is Mario and I am Joe's son.(nevjoe) He talks about you guys all the time. I am a father of 4 and I have the next zoo to be opened to the public (ha-ha). We have 3 dogs 1) Max the rotty 2)Duke the great dane 3)Sassy the saint Bernard( my wife loves pony's not dogs as you can see) We have a total of 17 birds from teils to a blue and gold(Ziggy). Ziggy is MY PRIDE AND JOY!!

He is just under a year old and is a super sweet bird.We also have 3 lizards (my sons) 2 cats ( my wifes)

and soon to have a grey. It is on the list of pets to purchase. My wife fell in love with dads DYH Serpico and now she is on the hunt for a DYH. (name already picked out LAYLA) Cute name i guess. I guess I should say something about my kids now ( what do you think).

I have 2 boys and 2 girls. 1) Anthony 14 (does not live us) 2) Joey 12 ( can you guess who he is names after) (hint he talks to you all the time) 3) Angelica 11 ( a real tom boy) 4) Jacki 10 ( my little Italian girl). I guess i should even include my wife ( I guess I should) Well her name is Lori( Italian girl with the attitude also). We truly love all animals and would love to open a pet store or a ranch for as many animals as we can have.(Lori would have at least 100 ponies (dogs) that is)Her next dog is going to be a noofee she and my dad just love that breed.Dad's a real softy for the boys. He just loves being around the dogs( they get away with murder with him around) They realy love him to, they knock him over everytime he sees them (like dino and Fred). Well nice talking with you all. Hope to befriend many of you here. Dad highly talkes about you guys.<br><br>Post edited by: ziggy, at: 2007/11/15 18:18

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Hello and welcome to the family, Mario, so glad you could finally join us and if you are anything like your Dad, we are gonna love you to death also. We all and especially me, think the world of Joe, he is a fine, understanding, compassionate man and he can cook also.:laugh:


I might be crazy to think you love animals, I think you do have a zoo there but hey if you love them then the more the merrier.


Glad to hear you are adding a grey to the household, you won't be sorry, we all love ours and I know you have enjoyed your father's grey and it is contagious isn't it.


Feel free to read thru our many threads on various topics but you already have a ready source of helpful information in your Dad, he has been a tremendous help here on this forum and we count our lucky stars that he found this site.


If you have any pictures of your birds or even of the other animals you would like to share with us, please do, we may have already seen some of them in Joe's pics that he posted and I think we could probably pick you out of the photo he posted of his whole family a while back.


I am so happy to have you here and I just can't stop talking about your Dad, I think the world of him and he knows it, I won't let him forget it.


Wow, we have another Italian stud to add to our collection going here, don't let me scare you away, I am harmless:whistle: but I appreciate the male specimen and you are no exception. Hope you have that wonderful sense of humor like your Dad.:P

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Thanks Judy,

Yeah hes a trip the old man. We are a loving old fashioned Italian family. I have a great sense of humor also (must have got that from him) I tell him all the time the apple dont fall far from the tree.( he just goes yeah keep telling yourself that) HAHA!!! Thanks for the warm welcome and I will be here for a long time I hope( Gods willing) Thanks again

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Thanks for the warm welcome I see this is a great place(not like other forums to many politics) Just eveyday good people with good intentions. Some of the other forums are like just nasty people that only talk to there so called friends( they are in clicks) Not to be the case here. I dont even have a grey yet and all of you are just like long lost friends. THATS GREAT!!!!

Good feeling in this forum. I guess being Joes son has something to do with it.( just dont get on his other side not a good place to be) Hes alright mellowed as he got older thats for sure. You should try working for him WOW. I call him GOD and he agrees with me.(I like to break his chops)

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Thanks Mario for the kind words, we feel like a family here and as such we treat all members as we would like to be treated, that is what sets us apart from the others. We are just one big happy family.


I will admit that you being Joe's son didn't hurt your chances of being openly welcomed but thats just the way we are. Besides you already hold a special place in our family by reason of birthright, Joe is a valued member, a special member of this family, and any offspring of his is especially welcomed for we know that Joe is about the best of the best you will find. He tells it like it is, he is honest and forthright and the women love him, he is a big flirt and sometimes a dirty old man, but I am honored to call him my friend, a very good friend.

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Well, well, Mario - I really get the feeling I know you after all this. :lol:


Anywayzzzzzzz: a warm welcome here and hopefully this site, but mostly its members, will give you a good time.



(PS - is 'ziggy' from quantum leap -one of my favorite programs?)

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hi ziggy and welcome:)


you dont need to be joes son to get a warm welcome,i got a lovely welcome when i joined a few weeks ago but if it earns you extra love can i be your adopted sister plzzzz:laugh:


love trish and babygirl xx

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Yeah Judy,

Right off the tree I fell sometimes I wonder mabee he pushed me out of the tree LOL. Im sure he makes you and everybody else laugh. He is one of a kind. ( well now that I think about it mabee we are both one of a kind). They did break the mold after me im sure. If not GOD help all of us HAHAHA!!!!!!

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That he does and he does it well, and I did not realize how funny he thought we were until Valerie joined and said she would watch him at his computer laughing his head off with tears streaming down his cheeks from laughing so hard. We do like to have a good time and Joe is an instigator of mischief for sure. I know I always look for his name on the right when I log on for we always exchange a few comments for laughs.

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Hi Mario, and Welcome! MY goodness, you sure do have a house full! 17 birds, not to mention all the dogs and other animals! WOW!

I'm glad you are here, we have such fun with your Dad and sister, iIexpect the same from you!! :woohoo:



Pictures, pictures......I'd love to see some of your zoo when you have the time.:cheer:

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