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Heat wave


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It's basically just a 24 inch industrial drum fan sitting on a 2.5ft box jumps stand I made. Sitting in front of that is the tri-pod misting system the Murfchck pointed out in her thread sold at Lowes. The part that really makes it all work is the bamboo shade that I strung across the top of the aviary. It helps tunnel the mist through the whole aviary whereas before it was just blowing through the top. I've come out several times to check on them and Toby or Rio will be hanging off the wire directly in front of a mister getting soaked. Greycie will sit in front of them now too. Last summer she was scared of it but she's come around.

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The Sterling Ranch has all the cool toys! We are sweating it out in Georgia and decided to take out the motorcycles. My poor old fashioned carburetor just can't cut the ethanol. We sat on the hot road in construction gridlock for an hour. It may be time to put the Katana to rest. I sure would hate for that pitiful experience to be my last ride though. It was a double pleasure to sit down with a cool drink and watch your three cool chicks in the amusement park rest station.

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Last summer she was scared of it but she's come around.

She's not only come around, but correct me if I'm wrong, she's taken up the prime spot right in front of the fan/mist. You've set up such a perfect outdoor spot for them do they ever try to stay in at the end of the day, or are they happy to come inside for a sleep after a day of fresh air? You could totally have a side business building aviaries, yours is so perfect from the double entrance door to the stone at the base around the perimeter to the branches and perches inside, and now to their personal cooling station. Do they move around the aviary and come to the side to cool off, or do they pretty much stay in one spot on hot days?

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They have their routines. When it's not so hot, they will start and finish their day terrorizing the neighborhood by flying from end to end and making quite the racket. When it's hot like it is now, they follow the shade from one end to the other gradually through the day. I usually don't turn their fan/mist on till around 10am.


Toby the Caique loves to get down in the grass (dirt now that the heat has killed everything) and forage around, pack rocks up the wire etc. He's an industrious lil fella. Rio the Jardines has a little fort that he hangs out in nearly all the time. Greycie will happilly spend her day preening ( a girl's got to look stunning ) or putting one of Rio's forts through the wood chipper. She loves to chip wood. She also loves to swing from her yellow chain and relishes it when I come in to give her pushes. Just like a kid.


We have two little carriers that we use to transport them to and from the Aviary - I call them the short buses. Tthey board the short buses to get to and from their day skool. The running joke around here is Toby usually goes straight to the principal's office. Caiques can't be good to save themselves.


Toby and Rio will happily board the short bus to come in for the day, however GreycieMae thinks it's a great game to go straight to the top of the aviary and hang just out of reach. She will hang-walk along the top and I really think she is mocking us when she does it.



Rio in his fort:





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...............You could totally have a side business building aviaries, yours is so perfect from the double entrance door to the stone at the base around the perimeter to the branches and perches inside, and now to their personal cooling station. ........


Agreed!! Sterling Ranch Aviaries. The best!!!

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