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What has your Grey taught YOU?


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We all like to boast about how clever our little ones are - what we've managed to teach them and how wonderful they are becomes topic number one of grey discussions the world over! But what about all the little - some not so little - things they've taught us? Firstly - they're far more modest about they're accomplishments! You may have had your grey for years - for some, a matter of weeks. But they become a part of you life, a part of you personality, a part of your daily routine and a part of your family.


So what have they taught you?


Lets hear it!!


Love Toby and LadyJayne xx

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Right on with the swearing Trish...I now have a very clean mouth around the grey...having a grey is like being in a Orbit gum commercial. Dirty mouth...clean it up with an African Grey. :laugh: :laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2007/11/15 13:12

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after a play session today in which i was trying to make babygirl laugh i realised that she has taught me how to behave like an idiot(it didnt take much learning:laugh:)

and if id have videod it you guys would be laughin your socks off:laugh:babygirl was not amused,oh well i`ll keep tryin untill im carted away{Emotions-0002007D}.


love trish and babygirl

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LMAO BMustee!!!


I haven't changed my mouth really, if she learns something sobeit. LOL


However I have learned from all my birds, and definitely my Greys is unconditional patience. I have, and am still trying to gain their trust. Especially Red, she was cage bound, hated people, was mean, nippy, you name it. Everytime she let's me scratch her, or calls me and wants to be around me willingly, fills me full of a joy I've never experienced! There is nothing better than her calling to me "Come ere pretty girl" and when I bring her to hang out on my shoulder while on the internet she will put one foot up and start grinding that beak of hers. That is the sound of angels to me!


Aside from birds, I've learned about people. I've learned that unless you've owned a parrot, you will NEVER understand why they are DIFFERENT from any other animal you will ever own. 38 million Americans own dogs, 36 million Americans own cats. Only 4 million own birds, which right there narrows it down to a very special group of people that make up this small percentage, and that they are some of the most unique, interesting, and caring people I've ever met. Not that there aren't any people like this that just have cats and dogs, but I'm sure you all know exactly where I'm coming from.


I've also learned that a good majority of the time, because birds are different from cats and dogs, people tend to look at them as a more disposable creature. Possibly because they're a caged animal, that I'm not sure of. I have seen more birds in crappy horrible situations than I have cats and dogs, and I've seen horrid conditions for them too! I've learned that people can be very cruel, and don't deserve to ever own any kind of animal. I've learned that for the most part when it comes to other animals what you see is what you get. Other than different breeds having different personalities, but with birds, they are an investment. What you invest into their personality you will get back 10 fold, this is true with other animals I'm sure, but because birds are not domesticated I feel that it takes a bit more work, and I had no idea just how much work that was. I think that some people grossly underestimate that, and for selfish reasons get rid of their bird, or ignore it, instead of putting effort into it, or rehoming it do to the fact that they put expectations on it to stay this sweet tame little baby that would stay this way and be super talkative. You get what you give with birds, and some aren't always able to give that to them.


Wow, apparently I've learned a lot LOL

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I agree also their is nothing like a bird to teach you about yourself and how much patients and love and forgivness that you have to give to a animal that will bite you. give you scares and maybie worse. and you still forgive and try even harder because in the end when that bird bonds to you there is no greater feeling of love and acomplishment those are the quality of a real bird person and thats why we are so rare how many people will lose a finger or have a scare on there face from an animal and continue to love and care for that animal only a true bird person will understand that its not personal and keep trying. all other would either get rid of the animal or try to beat it into submission and thats not me or any other person who trully is trying to understand the wild animal that you've taken into your home and love with every part of your being.



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Wow, what wonderful posts! I started to well up!


Toby has taught me the value of firendship. All that I have put into him, all the annoying traits I get out of him, all the times Ive heard him calling from his morning perch demanding tea and scrambled egg - He gets me up in the morning and keeps me up at night. I dont have the heart to put him back in his cage and climb into bed! He's dependable in so many ways. I take him clothes shopping with me and he never says I look fat. I take him to work and he greets the customers with an endearing wolf whistle. I take him food shopping and he sits on the trolly reaching out at things in the isles - theyre usually shiney and 'taste really good?' He's taught me to eat a good bowl of high fibre bran in the morning coz he recons cardboard DOES taste good... He's everything you'd want in a best friend and more!


Keep going with the posts - looks like our babies have us right where they want us!



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Well Chico is the main reason I became a vegaterian...I was spending so much money n veggies for him that I had none left over for meat before I knew it just the smell of the stuff made me sick.....I also stopped useing as much salt in my food b/c Chico is known for sneaking things off my plate....With all that said I have lost over 50 lbs since Chico entered my lifeB)

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hi ladyjayne,

;)karma to you for that;)


Both my boys are grown up(well age wise hahaha)22 and 19

and i loved it when they were little singing nursery rhymes,teaching them to talk,toilet training them bringing out their little personalities,lovin them.Now ive got the chance to do it all again with babygirl,shes given me an uplift in life.{Nature-00020092}

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  • 3 months later...

hi everyone,lovely posts :) well to be honest as some might have read in my other post i lost my mum to cancer,i found it hard to cope,i made my mind up there and then,life is to short so i went off and found a good breeder and bought my little baby Bernie,from the day i brought him home into my life he has helped me put the laughter back into my day,the smile on my face,:) on the other hand he has taught me to lose weight,as i do him fruit n veg everyday;) .i have the family on all the goodness now to.he has also taught my daughter of 3 years how to be gentle & caring.hes just my life saver.:)

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Wendy, what a testamonial to your grey, he has helped you so much and you have been dealt a heavy blow but he has given you a reason to go out there and live your life to the fullest, he truly is a lifesaver and you are so blessed.:kiss:

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Wow everyone! I wish I could give Karma to all of you! Those were all awesome stories! Some made me laugh and some made me tear up!


I have to say that SweetHeart has taught me to be patient, and I thought I had that! I have two kids and thought I was doing good lol. But when you have something that is completely afraid of you and went through a terrible flight, and all you want to do is cuddle it and love it. It is soo hard to do from afar. Now 4 months later, my patience is finally paying off. She is turning a corner and has taught me that not to stop going after what I believe in and not to stop loving something that at first may not love me back. Just to keep trying and trying again until we all get it right lol.

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Guest briansmum

what beautiful stories everyone i am getting tears in my eyes reading them all.


well brian has taught me many things, but above all, that i still matter. after the car accident, i lost touch with a lot of friends as i couldnt go out much. i lost my job and there was a world happening around me that i didnt feel a part of. brian taught me that whatever i may think i was still needed, he gave me a reason to get up on a morning and a purpose through the day. i have regained so much of my life since getting brian, getting back in touch with friends and even looking for work again. he has taught me no matter how hard life bites you in the butt (or finger in his case) it's still there for you to go grab hold off. he's my little epiphany


i have also learnt what i want doesnt matter.. what the grey man wants... they grey man gets! :P

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  • 3 months later...

Wendy, I also lost my mum to cancer and recently had to go into rehab to get over the effects of depression...etc... I smuggled Toby in and kept him with me for half the time I was there. All the patients in the centre at the time LOVED waking up to his sweet morning sunshine chirpings and would sneak him treats and cuddle him at night. As he was still garbling words out it became a game to see who would witness his first word! (for the record, a lady named Glenda heard it and it was... "Poopooloo". Attractive Toby..) Although it was highly against the rules to have a pet with you (however it was in South Africa so 'the system' was easy to 'bend') he left a hero when it came tome to say goodbye after a few months. When your in a place in life where you find it near impossible to see reason in facing another brutal day of life having someone to get up FOR makes the biggest difference in anyones recovery. Many times you only realise that afterwards though... Besides, if anything ever 'happened' to you in life and you wernt around to look after your beloved baby(ies).. I cant even concieve thinking about it! So when all other reasoning fails me, I have a good long think about life without my Toby and quickly come around. Silly? Maybe.. But it works.


To all our grey babies, thank you for being the demanding, clingy little brats you are!


Big love to all

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Great inspiring stories everyone . Such a great group of people . So glad I am here. Our children are grown , married and in their own homes , which left ours very empty . Our kids were and are so important to us , but after they moved it was soooo quiet and unnatural feeling . So our birds fill our home with noise, and laughter and fill a very empty void , known as the empty nest. Our nest is full of chatter and something funny is always taking place .They have taught me to find joy in God's Creations.

Mary<br><br>Post edited by: bettyboop, at: 2008/06/04 19:13

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Then just go out and get it, my hubby would have said no if I had asked him first, after being married for 40 years I have learned to just go get what I really want and not ask for it, I don't need a man to tell me what I can and cannot get, show him who really wears the pants in the family;)

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lessons from Mr Merlin


1. parrot time is akin to eternal time. human patience does not compare to the requirements of parrot time.


2. humans are trainable beings and can be quite amusing and useful at times.


3. No Matter What tomorrow is another day.


4. yellow is a good color for toys.


5. express your opinion NOW for it might change in a moment.


6. Heaven is real. it can send you a mum who adores you and it can help you hang another day til that perfect home comes along. pay attention humans!


7. make more toys. yellow please.


8. when in doubt, go spud. (that is what we call it when merl hits the deck at an imagined threat)

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Sandra, There is quiet a conversation about my man not wanting my sweet baby grey on Psoriasis and greys... Basically he has that illnes, but as i found out, birsd are not making it wors... So from there we started the discussion... go and read about it there if you are interested in my story! :)


Thank you and sorry for keeping up this topic...



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