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For those who love Amazons

Ray P

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The first thing I would like to do is apologize to the membership for my lack of posting over the past two years.

When Cricket passed away it took the wind out of my sails. It was very hard to think about, Talk about about and to write about Cricket and Amazons.

My love for Cricket my Amazon and Corky my African Grey has no bounds and I wish to continue and share with those who love parrots (all parrots) as much as I do.

The friends I have made on this forum are for a life time

Thank you for your patience.


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Ray, no apology necessary. As family and a fellow Amazon owner, I completely understand how difficult it is to move on after such a tragic loss. Coming here and the constant reminders that are here has got to be very difficult. The love of an Amazon, it is a bond like no other creature. It can never be put into words, it is only something you can experience . Many will not understand what I mean, but I know you do. My heart has ached for you every day since we lost Cricket. But it is Thanks to Cricket , that I have the relationship I do with Nilah. Why I have undying love for her, and undying patience when she acts out like an Amazon will. Cricket and you have taught me so much about my Nilah. I only wish that one day you will again find happiness with another Amazon that needs all you have to give.

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We all do understand how difficult it has been for you since Cricket's passing and she will always be remembered by our forum family, who knows another amazon might find its way into your life, it would be a shame to not share that love you had for Cricket.

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You have been dearly missed Ray. Since October, I have traveled to Pennsylvania once and four trips to Texas surrounding a wedding and birth of our first grandchild. I have not had my computer turned on until this morning. So, I could read on a tiny little screen but it was hard to type. It is so good to come online today and actually catch up and find your post. Miss Gilbert may not be an Amazon, but I learned so much from you and Corky. Love, gentle encouragement and patience are the key to relationships whether feathered or not. Glad to see you are reaching a point to be able to share the love.

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