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Supervising chores


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HRH Inara loves this time of year when she can supervise my outdoor chores! My neighbor couldn't see her, but apparently was curious as to whom I was talking with because they walked over after hearing me say, "Yes, I am watering the flowers," and "Yes that dog is great danger," (as another neighbor walked by with a dog she gave her danger sound) and were hearing her say, "Yeah," and "Very good," and "Oh care!!" and whistling.


She always tells me, "Very good," and/or "Good girl," when I am cleaning her cage in the mornings.She recently has taken to saying, "Oh care," when I move to clean her cage or get water, etc. I think it comes from me saying to Joe, "Time for me to take care of the birdy stuff." Apparently her "encouragement" now extends to the outdoor chores too. It is nice, though that she expresses a sense of letting me know that I'm doing a good thing.


She loves her little clear roaming cage and cheerfully hops right into it every morning. This year I am seriously considering getting her a birdie backpack. I have said it for a couple of years now, but I believe this will be the year. She loves hanging out with me outside so much, and a harness is not an option with the many raptors we have in the area. She is such a happy little gal and I want her to have as much outdoor time as possible. Winters are long up here and she loves the breezes blowing through her feathers, and the warmth of the sunshine. I know that with a birdiepack that she won't get the same feeling, but she will get to go hit the trails with me. She can always go into her little "sunroom" still during morning chores.


Who all here, have birdiepacks? And what size would you recommend for a Timneh? Her average weight is 283 grams.


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The great thing about encouragement and the words from our Greys is you know they are genuine. I don't think Greys know, or for that matter care to know, how to fake it like so many humans.


We have three pak-o-birds. I ordered two small size for our Caique and our Jardine and went ahead with the medium 'African Grey' version for GreycieMae. It is huge and cumbersome to take anywhere. I've taken to throwing Greycie into one of the smalls for short rides and she's a big 'ol heifer at nearly 490 grams. She fits in the small just fine.


The one thing I don't like about the pak-o-birds is they can still destroy them no matter what Celltei will tell you. Even with the stainless mesh upgrade, GreycieMae figure out how to chew a hole in it. She literally destroyed the inside of hers in just a few short stays in it. So she's back to sitting in a metal cage while the other two get the pak-o-birds. If HRH Inara isn't a big chewer she'll be fine in one. I'd still suggest the stainless mesh upgrade though.

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Thanks Karen and Sterling for the info! Giannine, that is where I got Inara's three years ago. It has held up beautifully. However, it was tricky to put together. If you order one, pay super close attention to the pictures and how things are oriented because once snapped together it is very difficult to undo. Voice of experience... :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

That pic is picture perfect. ") And speaking of nice, I keep forgetting to mention how much I like that avatar.



I don't think Greys know, or for that matter care to know, how to fake it like so many humans.


Spoken like someone who hasn't gotten nailed in quite a while. Must be nice.

Edited by birdhouse
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Spoken like someone who hasn't gotten nailed in quite a while. Must be nice.


Got nailed less than 6 days ago from this post, on my upper lip and it started a minor infection that that I could feel through one of my teeth and in my left eye. I consider getting nailed to always be my fault since I assume the risk of letting her near my face.

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Oh Ouch! Sorry to hear that! I take it it's all pretty much good now though...?


But I still have to say that there are times when w/full planning & malice of forethought a fid will lure someone in & wham!! One of my cockatiels used to do it to the dogs until he finally settled in. When Charm is in full Quaker-cage-territorial-mode she'll make all sweetness & light then grab onto my wrist like a pit bull.


I did slam into Phenix while I was cleaning his cage one time. I lost track of where he was & practically knocked him off the perch. I got nailed right under the eye. And that was my fault! Otherwise, I've never gotten it in the face like that. Probably only a matter of time though, since I'm always looking to get kisses. lol

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I have the green, medium Pak-O-Bird. Miss Gilbert is close to the same size as Inara. Your post inspired me to contact the company to get new straps, so we can walk together. Miss Gilbert seems very content to be inside her Pak-O-Bird. I have used it as a car carrier, and as a vet transport. Since she likes the seclusion, she likes the side panels down. Ours does not have the stainless steel mesh. Gil has been in hers for 16 hours at a time on car trips and has not had any inclination to chew on it or destroy it. Then again, it has taken us five years to get her to play with toys. When we get the new straps I will let you know how Gil reacts to riding in it for walks.

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I had to come back to this thread to tell you how wonderful the folks at Celltei have been in helping me get the right buckles to put new straps on my Pak-O-Bird. I bought mine more than seven years ago and they have been improving them all along so finding the right buckles is going to be a treasure hunt but their customer service has been remarkable. If I ever get Miss Gilbert to the place where she is adventurous enough to go for a motorcycle ride, I will figure out a "dash cam" to get a video. Thanks again for bringing up the subject and reminding me to give our girl a chance to sing in the wind.

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