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Is soap and candle making safe for our birds?


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Hi everyone,


It's been a while things have been busy here-we've moved house into a bigger place and I've had surgery but all is well now. Babs is starting to talk more and is happy and healthy. :)

It will be her first birthday in August!


I have a question to ask about soap and candle making around birds. Generally I know that the use of essential oils aren't safe but I've looked and can't find anything about soap and candle making around them? Just to clarify I use beeswax to make my candles. I've never made them around her before (no knowledge of whether it's safe or not and the previous place was way too small) but I was just wondering if they could cause any harm to her, even if done in a different room with the windows open? Also what alternatives could I use other than essential oils to scent my soap and candles that are safe for birds?


Thanks in advance.

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I also make soap. I have a back, screened in porch. I measure my FO or EO out on the porch and leave it there while I make the soap. When it's time to add it, I take the pot to the porch and stir it in. Then I take it back in the house and mold it. We haven't had any problems. I have a large, old, and well-ventilated house though. If I was in a small area (like an apartment) it might be different. I also mix my lye and liquid on the porch and don't bring it in until the fumes are gone.


As to candles, I gave them up when I got Timber. Since I'd read I couldn't burn them (or use on a warmer like I did) I just quit making them.


I'm no expert, but that is what works for us!

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I also make soap. I have a back, screened in porch. I measure my FO or EO out on the porch and leave it there while I make the soap. When it's time to add it, I take the pot to the porch and stir it in. Then I take it back in the house and mold it. We haven't had any problems. I have a large, old, and well-ventilated house though. If I was in a small area (like an apartment) it might be different. I also mix my lye and liquid on the porch and don't bring it in until the fumes are gone.


As to candles, I gave them up when I got Timber. Since I'd read I couldn't burn them (or use on a warmer like I did) I just quit making them.


I'm no expert, but that is what works for us!


Hey thanks for the reply! It's actually been a few years since I've made any soap or candles but moving in the other week I realised how much stuff I still had and it made me want to get back into it again (especially since I lost my job a couple of months ago I have all the time in the world). The house is still small but much bigger than our old apartment. Unfortunately there's no door for the kitchen it's just a walk in thing but it's well ventilated. There's only one bedroom upstairs. As for candles whilst I miss burning them I still find myself wanting to make them just as a hobby since I have a lot of time on my hands now. For actual decor purposes we just use the LED ones. :) I would never risk anything like this with Babs around now which is why I wanted to double check as there's not a lot of info online. Concerning the soap making I just use the melt and pour with added extras in such as colour and scent. Would melt and pour still hold a risk?

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I also made soap for years using the lye method when I had my wild caught CAG and Amazon. Like Timbersmom I lived in a big old drafty house. However, I always did the mixing outside. For scent, after the soap was cured, I would tuck the bars into a box of natural potpourri that I made from lavender, rose petals, etc.


As for the candles, beeswax ought to be OK for the making part, and if you are just giving them away as gifts you could drop a few drops of essential oil onto a cotton ball, polish the candle with it then wrap the candle with tissue paper to encase the scent. Naturally wash your hands well afterward. If you are making them for home decoration, then just leave them unscented.


A major danger from commercial candles is that many have a lead center in the wicks that make the wicks stiff. When burned, the lead goes into the air. Also many of the scents are chemicals etc. so those are released into the air when burned. I don't burn candles because HRH Inara flies around and I would never forgive myself if there was a fire incident.


The melt and pour for soaps with a few drops of all natural scent ought to be OK if you are making it another well ventilated room. I have always worn high grade all natural essential oils as perfume and all of my birds led very long lives and were not affected at all. Cheaper oils...I could not vouch for.


Really, just use common sense. There are essential oils that some homeopathic vets use to calm anxious birds and animals for aromatherapy. There are some tree and bark based ones in particular that can cause irritation in humans as well as animals. When in doubt ask an avian vet about any concerns. A quick phone call won't cost anything, and will give you confidence in making choices for you and Babs. :)


Happy creating!

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Thanks for all the information. Before getting Babs I was just too busy to sit down and make any of this stuff working from 7:45-6:30 some days and the previous place was too small. There's a lot of windows in here though so hopefully should be OK. Thanks for the info about the essential oils as well I have a bag full of them but haven't dared to use them since getting her. They're kept upstairs where generally unless one of us is with her she isn't allowed to go.

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I've been wondering when essential oils got the bad rap around here. I've made essential oils & don't see anything harmful if they're from nontoxic plant species & in a safe carrier base. Unless of course a particular fid has a particular problem w/a particular scent for some reason.


I also started making my own deodorant in the past year because I wasn't able to find one I liked w/o aluminum. I always scent it w/a couple of drops of oil. So far, no one has keeled over. So, I'm taking it as a hopeful sign. ")

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