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Spy isn't as chirpy or vocal as usual?


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Spy isn't as chirpy or vocal as usual?

It's been for the past three days.

She been eating fine, her pooh looks fine and there has been no change to her routine.

I've rotated toys and still she just sits on her perch or on her tree watching me.

Usually she'd be chirping to me or the tv or anything.

She has just picked up "what are you doing?" Vocally but saying it when she's in a good mood.

She is only 6 months old so I was never expecting such comprehension.

She hasn't had an accident and she isn't plucking.

I miss the usual vocalizations and I'm concerned it may be something I'm missing or not doing.

Anybody have any ideas?

When she was vocal I'd reward her with a sunflower seed. Not even some of them are bringing her back.

She has always been shy with other family members around. But it's just been me and her for the past few days.

She has even stopped the where are you chirp when I leave the room which I always reply back with a whistle.


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Is her weight staying within its normal range?

Is she getting the usual amount of sleep?

Has it been rainy or stormy? (Many birds will instinctively go more quiet during stormy weather)

Has something changed in the house? (Number of people, etc?)


It is always worth a phone call to the veterinarian. They may suggest bringing her in, or at the very least this they may put your mind at ease. Prey animals are good at masking symptoms and a major change in vocalizations is a very good reason to phone the vet. I would encourage you to call.


Please give us an update. Will X fingers that there is just a simple explanation.

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Spy isn't as chirpy or vocal as usual?

It's been for the past three days.

She been eating fine, her pooh looks fine and there has been no change to her routine.

I've rotated toys and still she just sits on her perch or on her tree watching me.

Usually she'd be chirping to me or the tv or anything.

She has just picked up "what are you doing?" Vocally but saying it when she's in a good mood.

She is only 6 months old so I was never expecting such comprehension.

She hasn't had an accident and she isn't plucking.

I miss the usual vocalizations and I'm concerned it may be something I'm missing or not doing.

Anybody have any ideas?

When she was vocal I'd reward her with a sunflower seed. Not even some of them are bringing her back.

She has always been shy with other family members around. But it's just been me and her for the past few days.

She has even stopped the where are you chirp when I leave the room which I always reply back with a whistle.



I don't think any vet visit is necessary. Understand that greys go into quiet times and that's nothing unusual. As long as she's following her normal routine, the talking and sounds will return when she feels like it. As greys get older, they become a bit more quiet. They're very selective. Your bird is very young and you're not used to all the phases of grey ownership. One thing you're doing which is very wrong is giving sunflower seed when she starts making sounds. Making sounds is a natural thing and birds shouldn't be rewarded when they're doing natural things.

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It will vary with each grey, some days Josey will be more vocal than others and you never know what aspect of their environment may have influenced vocalizations, they notice everything and most of it is things we don't notice because they are so minor, minor to us but they take it as a big deal.

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You know your bird (no matter how young it is) better than anyone. If I'm interpreting what Dave, Nancy, and Judy are saying it is that in their experience this is something that generally would not warrant a visit to the vet, but they're not suggesting that you not contact your vet if you have concerns. Sometimes it is simply worth a phone call to your vet to see if s/he thinks the bird needs to be brought in. None of us here are avian vets, we rely heavily on our combined experience when offering advice, and frankly I trust the advice of many people here more than I do a generic non-avian vet.


It's likely that your vet will tell you over the phone that it is not necessary to come in, but you can put your mind at ease. Birds definitely have various periods when they are quieter, but a very marked and continued change in vocalizations over a period of several days is something that (for me) I would want to chat with my vet about over the phone, as that is completely out of the norm for my current bird. It was not, however, out of the norm for my much less chatty fellows (r.i.p.) that I had in the past. A lot depends on the individual bird(s).


When it comes to living with any companion, trust your instincts. Since Spy had gone quiet for about 3 days when you posted, and it's now been about 5 days since Spy went quiet, how is she doing? Back to normal I hope! :)

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Thank you all so much for your replies.

She was a bit more lively this morning which makes me happy.

She was sending out the where are you chirp whenever I left her room.

I wonder as she is in our bedroom - is she being quiet so I can sleep? She kind of mimics my snoring now and again.

I only kept her in the bedroom since she was new to our family. Is it time to move her downstairs to the larger cage and more privacy?

She just seems so content as she is just spying on me. But I feel this is the only option left.

I will try tonight in the downstairs cage and see what results come in the morning.

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Everyone's situation is different but my Grey has been trying relentlessly to let her sleep on the ceiling fan mount above our bed. That's where she would prefer to sleep - with us. However wife won't let it be so I have to move Greycie to the birdroom every night. Your Grey would probably prefer to sleep with the flock, and that's probably you.


Also, I have noticed that Greycie will be quiet when I'm laying down trying to sleep, even in the middle of the day if I just came back from a long training ride or just feel like crap and am laying down...she'll be quiet as a mouse. I've heard of other's Grey that do the same thing here on the forums. They're very sensitive to what we're doing. My Caique on the other hand, will sit there and screech his damned head off if he's feeling like it.

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Well I'm taking spy to the vets on Saturday which is the earliest I can.

She has gone mute and no longer playing with toys.

I've tried everything possible.

She is totally silent not even a chirp.

She has gone passive. Not even a nip to my daughter when lightly petted which she only used to let me do.

It looks like she is depressed.

Yet I spend 23hrs of a day with her inside or mostly outside of her cage on her tree.

She seems tired yet I spent all night last night checking that she is sleeping which she was. Bedtime was 7.30pm and woke up 6.00am when I took the cover off the cage - I had it in a way I could see her perched but apart from that total coverage.

I never used to cover the cage when I first got her. But the other option is to leave her downstairs in a bigger cage alone and in an unfamiliar place. Which I decided would be more stressful as it would be dark and she'd have to search for her food and water.

I've turned all fans and air conditioners off as I know they don't like breezes.

I'm stumped!!! Also very worried!!! Something is obviously wrong.

The only normal thing is that she will let me pick her up.

The only thing it can be is internal or mental. She is fine from the outside although I think she is puffing her feathers up a little bit. Possibly to hide something but I've examined her and I can't find anything.

She's been with me exactly 2 months. I've done everything in all the books and I've read about 7. I've researched on the net too so I know I'm treating her well. I show her only love as she has never done anything wrong and I wouldn't change even if she bit me or did something naughty.

I can't get to the vets any sooner as I'm in Japan and my Japanese skills are below par for this situation. My wife is away on a business trip so all I can do is monitor her and try and motivate her.

This morning I gave her a shower which she didn't complain about but she lacked the enthusiasm to shake off the excess water.

I feel lost.

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I'm so sorry! This must be so hard for you. But maybe someone at the vet's speaks English? Because the rest of the world seems to be so much better at speaking multiple languages than we are in the US (for the most part). Is there another vet in the area who does have any English speaking staff? Otherwise, is there anyone you could take w/you to translate? Because it really would be better for both of you if you could go before Saturday. Another possibility, maybe put in a call to a vet or vet school in the states. Just tell them you're situation. I don't know if they could do anything. But would it hurt to try. One of the big institutions like Tuft's Vet School or Angell Memorial in Mass might even have references in your area.

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There are two vets who are able to deal with birds in my area and one of them has good reviews and is open later. The other had poor reviews. There are no specialist avian vets in our county. I live in a very small city where no one speaks English. The only other thing is I don't know exactly where this vet is. My wife found and called them from the Internet. Also my wife is away with all our money and credit cards as she needs them and I didn't. I can't get hold of my wife as she is a teacher of disabled students and they are all away on a school trip. I will try and get a message to her to call them and then give me the details. I've enough Japanese to say something is wrong and she needs a check. My daughters are with me and my eldest will be able to translate anything difficult. I just have to wait until they finish school.

I just let spy cuddle up to me and she is still being very loving. I don't know what to do.

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I know what this sounds like. But do your best to think good thoughts. You don't want Spy to pick up on your stress.


It sounds like she likes being held. So that's good. Maybe see if she'll eat some warm oatmeal & cinnamon. Warm food is often comfort food for fids. Both the cinnamon & the oatmeal might help if there's a crop problem.


It won't hurt to keep her strength up. And the bonding will be good for both of you.

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At the moment I'm not worried about the vet fee. I'm sure they will let me pay later as the Japanese are very honest people and do that sort of thing all the time. I've made contact with my wife and said its urgent that I get the vets details so I can go. But she is very busy and said she will send me the details at lunchtime in 30 minutes. Just reading through older posts makes me want to take her to the vet urgently.

Ok. So I have to chill and wait for my wife to send the details and then I will go.

Just before spy went mute she was trying hard to speak. She was saying "what are you doing" at six months old. Maybe she damaged some vocal chord by trying to talk too early? That or an internal sickness?

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I've got the address and number and area of the vet and their times too. I've also got the money now. Spy is eating fine at the moment. The little oatmeal she did take may have given her an appetite for proper food. So now I have to wait 3 hrs until they are open and then I will feel much better and hopefully spy will get some meds.

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Sounding better all the time! Just for future reference, oatmeal is good food. It can also help to clear some crop blockages sometimes. Cinnamon is natural medicine for some crop issues, too. And there aren't very many fids who don't love it. Then, like I said before, most fids like to be fed some mushy food off a spoon, just any time. So, if she'll take some more oatmeal after it cools even, that's fine, too.

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A huge phew!!! The vet was very good and knowledgable and checked her pooh and there were no germs. So he said she is probably just off color and prescribed a vitamin and stomach settling mix. 0.5ml morning and evening by a syringe. Then see how it goes for a week. He checked her heart and weight and everything was fine. He explained why she has gone off her toys and how she should return to full health soon. He gave me an out of hours number. Everything and it only cost 3000 yen. Usually there is a registration charge at most places so I'm guessing it included that, so around 30 dollars or 10 pounds. The hospital wasn't busy and the staff were very friendly. My daughter helped greatly so all I have to do now is wait for her to recover.

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