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Charlie Boys Story

Charlies Dad

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Thanks guys, Charlie loves it when I read him your comments.


He is happy to have some fans and friends.


@Inara, He was actually trying to give TAG a kiss through the screen by tapping his beak on your avatar, haha!!


@Acapella, he does seem more confident lately, like more open to new things.


@Nancy & @Sterling, thank you! Yes he is a cutie.


On a more serious note, Charlie and I had a serious man to man conversation today...Lets see how it went in the video below.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys and gals,


I hope everyone's week is going well. :)


So first things first, as I mentioned in the beginning of this thread, I really want Charlie to be on an awesome diet. Please bare in mind that I am the worlds most inexperienced cook/chef. I am a great gardener and love growing fruits and veggies but cooking them I cannot do. I do not know how to use a knife (there are so many kinds of knives, whyyy!!!) to cut food up or use other kitchen tools. In college, I survived on Ramen Noodles, Taco Bell, granola bars, tons of peanut butter and protein shakes. I can make a sandwich if that counts. It is pathetic, I know.......please do not stone me.


Anyway, back to Charlie diet. The last few weeks I have been cutting up fresh organic carrots, sweet potatoes, okra, peas, green beans, cauliflower, cabbage, banana and mangos. When i cut veggies, it looks like a 2 year old cut it. It cannot chop, mince or cut small cubes yet. It is so frustrating.


But yeah, I cut everything up and throw everything in a bowl. I drizzled a little bit of Red Palm Oil and Coconut Oil on veggies/fruits. Then I warm it up and mixed everything up and started offering it to him every morning along with pellets in the different bowl. To my surprise, he was very curious about the veggies I offered but hates the pellets. He would waste a lot the first few days but he would definitely taste everything. Good sign right?? He seems to really like carrots and yams. Loves peas, but hates green beans, mangos and banana....he would fling it on the walls and make a mess. So I removed then for now until I can figure out what else to add.


Don't laugh, but here is a pic of what I cut up for him everyday so far. Just carrots, yams, peas, cauliflower and Red Palm/Coco Oil. Should I remove/add anything else? Is this a good nutritional mix or should I try different ingredients. What do your greys seem to like more???


veggies.jpgwindows 7 screenshot


And here is buddy boy eating his breakfast (wish he would try his Harrisons though):




Speaking of pellets....I understand that most grey owners like to feed wholesome fresh foods as a main diet with pellets as a supplementation. I like that idea but due to my work nature, I do not think it is something I can manage since I do travel internationally for work. He likes his seed mix but a little too much so I rather him be on pellets and veggies instead of seed mix and veggies. I am aiming for 50/50 pellets/fresh foods.


I really wanted to get him on Harrisons, but he absolutely will not eat it. If I take away his seeds and veggies in the morning, he will eat 2-3 medium sized Zupreem Fruit Blend AS LONG AS it is soaked in water...but with the colors and dyes, I do not want him on the fruity pebbled blend. I read color and dyes can cause renal failure and kidney problems....so no, Charlie is not getting Fruit Blend.


At that point, I did know which pellet to go with...so I did something I learned in college. Ask for free stuff.


I literally emailed all the bird food companies I could think of and ask politely for samples and happily sent them pictures. Some said yes and some never responded. I received samples from the following:


-Lafabers (very generous amounts of food with variety in a huge box full of nutriberries, avi-cakes and other great treats)


-Harrisons (they sent me some Power Treats and a fine size pellet instead of the course of the High Potency)


-Roudybush (16 ounces of Maintenance)


-FM Brown (super nice people, send me rice based pellets with tons of treats)


-Hagens (10 oz of Tropical non colored Pellets)


So I tried the Fine Harrisons first....he still hates it. Will not touch it. He loves the Nutriberries and Avicakes but I want to serve those as treats only. He loves the FM Brown treats and its is actually healthy with brazil nuts, almonds and dried fruits and he really seems to like them.


Finally, this morning, I took away the Harrisons and gave him Roudybush...and believe me, he went and started trying them out...I am so happy! So I think I am going to go with what is working so far. Does anyone else have any experience with Roudybush and Greys?


I am just glad because I finally feel like I am making some progress on Charlies food habits after failing for so long. I just hope I can keep it up.




Otherwise, Charlie seems to be doing good. I do find the odd plucked feather every so often but it seems less and he is looking more feather than he ever has in his life. It probably won't last and honestly...it ok. As long as he is happy with his flock.


Speaking of flocks...here is the rest of my flock if anyone is interested:


1: My conures Mango (sun) and Tango (gold capped)...they are a strong bonded pair and love to play and entertain...I love these clowns.


Mango_Tango_2.jpghow do you print screen


2: I have a Indian Ringneck who I did not plan on getting. I was at the flea market looking for cheap tools and found a booth with this little guy sitting in a box with a bunch of Green Cheek Conures. When I looked closer, I saw his crop had a hole with food coming out. They guys selling him did not even realize his crop was burned. When I brought it to his attention, he did not seem alarmed or worried at all but did day he would take him to the vet... For some reason, my gut told me he was not being honest and did not care about these birds. I looked at the ringneck and he looked at me...and telepathically told me..."save me"....so I did.


He is about 4 months old and his name is Alex...he has lost 35% of his crop and is a lot smaller than most ringnecks...about 100 grams. But I will try to give him what he needs to live a normal life with confidence..I spend over $2000 on vet bills and surgery and he starting to finally make a recovery...and he seems to think Charlie is his big brother!! Always following Charlie around and copying what he does. I love this little guys because he is a tough little fighter with a huge heart and a will to live.


buddies.jpgfree photo hosting




Anyway...I know I talk/type alot and get off track easily...but my mind races when I think of my flock...I really do treasure them all...thanks for reading my update and please let me know if you have any comments or suggestions on anything.


You guys are great, have a good day!!!

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I don't think you're pathetic at all. Okay, maybe a little uniquely challenged. lol But I'm always glad whenever people take their fids diets seriously.


Think you might like this. If Home Depot's out, then there's plenty of other vendors. Suggest you get a brush to clean the blade stems, though. Very, very, very sharp little suckers.


It's something to make mash or chop super easy. Whenever the food's all chopped to bits, there's much less waste. The good stuff hides the yucky stuff so you can feed a more balanced diet w/less resistance. The mixture can be stored in the fridge for a couple of days. You can also put extra into 2-3 day portions, in the freezer. Just put a cup in the fridge the nite before to thaw for the following day.



I love mine. As an added bonus you may even find things to you make for yourself I've always said our diet changes w/the fids. It's almost inevitable.













Love the pics of the rest of the family! Glad you found your IRN, especially! Hope to hear more about all of them whenever you have some time. ")

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We love our Ninjas here too, used to use a little Black & Decker chopper but that did not last. The Ninja is a workhorse. You can add Chia seeds, Quinoa, unsweetened coconut shreds or flakes and where ever your imagination takes you. Cooked egg chopped in works too. You are doing a great job but not all of us are pellet fans, fresh is best and manufactured foods leave room for manufacturing errors- ground metal, over or under amounts of vitamins ans minerals and depending on the brand preservative chemicals and coloring agents.

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