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Flying up a light


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To answer your question, I think the best way to keep your bird off things and out of areas you do not want them in is to train them where they are allowed. This takes patience, dedication and repetition. It can also be accomplished through some variation/compromise in the rooms or areas where you interact with your bird. Never get mad at them, just put them back where you want them to be over and over. They will eventually get it.


I am of the opinion it is best to train your bird not to go where you do not want it, rather than hobbling it by clipping the wings. This takes patience but in the long run I believe it is the best solution for the birds sake. Flight proficient birds do not "fly into things". They elegantly control where they want to go and when.


If you determine you are not able to provide a reasonably safe environment to keep a flighted bird then PROPER clipping is an option. However, I would strongly suggest you really research the pros and cons of clipping and understand the best ways to do it if you choose to clip. Certainly do not do it for your own "convenience". You have chosen to share your life with a flighted being. Flight is their natural state. Altering that is not natural and can create other problems. ;)<br><br>Post edited by: dblhelix, at: 2007/11/15 05:20

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I agree Its a beautiful sight to see your bird in full flight. I hate clipping my birds wings It always makes me feel like I'm amputating somthing I sure wouldn't like it if somone cut something off my body especely something that makes me who I am. I've had to do it but I don't like to if its not nessesary I just had to have my Greys wings clipped because she had chewed every flight feather off one of her wings this was before I got her any way because of it she was so off balance she would fall and land really hard on her keel I didn't want her to hurt herself so I got the other wing clpped to match the one she barbered. It helped alot she doesn't fall any more. and she hasn't been chewing her wing so hopefully now her wings can grow out together and she will have full flight. and I won't clip her again.



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Does he want to fly onto everything, or just that one light fixture?


I clipped mine a good 2 months after he fledged because I was bringing him to work with me at the time...for feeding...and he wanted to fly around the warehouse when I had him out. I also clipped because it does help in the initial training. They are more dependent on you and are more willing to comply with orders. I did the clipping myself and left his wings long enough that he can still fly from one end of the room to the other, just won't get any height. I'm thinking that I might keep him flighted after he has his first molt.

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