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A blatant plea for sympathy


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Hi guys. I'm writing because I am in so much pain and I don't have anyone to talk to. My back has gone out. I was to the hospital yesterday and they told me it is sciatica (not sure of the spelling). It's been on and off for a month and a half, and intensely bad for the past two weeks. I can hardly lift my right leg off the floor. The pain is unreal. The hospital gave me an anti-spasmatic and a anti-inflammatory. I've been housebound for two weeks except for going to classes I take at the hospital which I've had to get my neighbour to drive me to. If it doesn't let up soon I'll have to get a friend to grocery shop for me. I'm just sick and tired of this pain, on top of the regular pain I have with my fibromyalgia and arthritis. Dorian's been a very good boy. We've been hanging out in the living room during the day and if he sees me sleeping he's quiet as a church mouse. I don't know if it's appropriate to post this here but I had to basically whine to someone.

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Go ahead a whine! I have the same issue and it is debilitating at times. I worked at Home Depot and had to lean on a shopping many times just to move through the store. They finally did injections in my spine, 2 in one year and a 3rd shot the next year. Have little flair ups now and again but nothing like the sheer pain before the steroid injections. Hugs to you!

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You poor thing!! Absolutely, yell & scream & carry on. I feel your pain too because I have some injury related back problems. Loathe the days when the only thing to do is wrap up in cellophane for some moist heat & try to find any distraction from the pain.


I hope it passes real soon!


For what it's worth, have you guys looked into acupuncture treatments at all? I know it isn't for everyone. But I had one friend, a barber, who developed sciatica in his shoulder. Really, really bad since his arms were basically raised all day long.


Shots did not help him at all. Finally his wife dragged him kicking & screaming to an appointment because he was at the point where he was going to have to retire. He became the world's most unlikely convert after that visit, though. It was kind of amazing. Those acupuncture treatments worked like nothing else had & in surprisingly short order, for him anyway.

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I would do acupuncture in a minute but I can't afford it. I know people who have gotten very positive results from both acupuncture and acupressure. I figure it wouldn't be around as a treatment for several hundred years if there wasn't something to it.

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I would do acupuncture in a minute but I can't afford it. I know people who have gotten very positive results from both acupuncture and acupressure. I figure it wouldn't be around as a treatment for several hundred years if there wasn't something to it.



Seems like there should be a discount acupuncture joke in there somewhere. At least make you smile for a minute. But for some strange reason every image that comes to mind is more scary than funny.

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I feel for you! I have sciatic nerve problems too. Mine as debilitating as yours, but I've leaned on that cart many times to get some relief when shopping. I haven't tried acupuncture for that, but I did have it for my shoulder and it was the only thing that helped (doc said I need shoulder replacement, no thank you). My chiropractor does it, and though my insurance doesn't cover it he just included it with my other treatments and I just had to pay my copay. Hope you are better soon!

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Thanks guys. I knew I could count on you. This episode has made me feel very alone, mostly because I've been housebound for two weeks with no end in sight. Pain on this level is really isolating. Dorian loves having me home all day of course. So does Jac. I lay on the couch and he lays on top of me purring away. It's very soothing, until parts of me start going to sleep (he weighs 21 lbs-thyroid issues and diabetes). Dorian makes his grunting noise every time I stand up. It's literally comments from the peanut gallery, but it makes me smile. That's worth a lot these days!

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You have my greatest sympathy or empathy. This is an issue that started with my water skiing accident when I was 19. No long war story but what helped for me was to buy a set of those wedge cushions. You can get into a position where you can use your computer and do other things from your bed. The couch may be too soft and make it worse. I used to lay on the floor on my back with my legs on the couch but today I would not be able to get up again.


I did try acupuncture and it did help. I was able to find a school of acupuncture. They only charge a minimal amount for visits because it was a requirement for each advanced student to have experience.


Probably the most important thing is the exercises they give you for strengthening your core. I know it is unthinkable in your condition to consider hopping out of your nest to exercise, but most of them can be done lying down. The one where you bend your knee and pull it up to your chest helps stretch things out a bit. It doesn't seem to make any immediate impact, but I learned the hard way to do them every day. It is counterintuitive to move when you hurt the most, but the walking and gentle stretches do help your body reduce stress.


You have every right to complain, I read once that cussing seems to diminish pain. That hasn't helped me much but Miss Gilbert does that when she is distressed, there might be something to it. I remember all those many years ago when I was so bereft at losing Juno that your song "Just Breathe" pulled me out of the abyss and gave me comfort when nothing else seemed to make sense. You have been there for others and our hearts sincerely reach out to you in your rough times.

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He and Jac really are my good boys. Today was the first day in weeks that my back hasn't gone 'out' all day, so maybe the prescriptions they gave me in emergency are starting to work! I'm still in a lot of pain, but at least I can walk short distances with a cane, so cross your fingers and toes for me. Lol. I'm cautiously optimistic. Thanks for all your words of support and encouragement.

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Well, I saw a doctor yesterday and she said they don't do MRI's on sciatica until it's been going on for 6 weeks. Unless I lose the feeling in my whole leg! She gave me a higher dose of the anti inflammatory than the emergency room doctor had given me, and more of the muscle relaxant. She also gave me some exercises to do, since I can't afford physio therapy. Problem is, some of the exercises require me getting down on the floor, and I don't know how they expect that of someone with this condition. Particularly someone who lives alone. After all, if I do get down there's a very real chance I won't be able to get up! I already had one living alone scare. By accident I took too many painkillers. I lost track of when I'd taken the last one and accidentally took another dose too soon. I got really nauseous and dizzy. I had to go over to my neighbours for a couple of hours until it passed and I felt safe to be alone again.


My back's gone out on me a few times again, so my hope that it's getting better is lost. Dorian's been a real angel, if I ignore what my floor looks like! I haven't been able to sweep so you can imagine the amount of seed, and torn up little pieces of cardboard, are littering my floor around his playstand. I'm just trying not to see it. lol I've managed to force myself to the floor to clean out his cage but it's soooooo painful it requires me to psych myself up a lot before I do it. Now I have to psych myself up to go to the drugstore and fill my prescription. Guess I'd better get going. ttyl grey family <3

Edited by Acappella
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I would be there in a heart beat too! Where do you live? Lets see if any of us are in your area. I have had two back surgeries that have been successful, but I remember what back pain is!Last week, my knee was killing me.... have never had knee pain in my life. Thought it was arthritis hitting me fast and hard, but thankfully it was a knee sprain. Next doctor visit, ask to see a social worker. They are very helpful. In the mean time, we all would love to help Nancy

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Nancy, I'm in Ontario Canada in a little town called Lindsay if anyone cares to look it up. The closest grey forum member I think I've ever seen here was in Barrie Ontario, which isn't close at all. Besides, she's not on anymore. It would be great to have another forum member close by physically, wouldn't it? I mean this international community is great, but face to face is nice occasionally too. I know this back thing has been very isolating physically. I did manage to get out today and do a grocery shop using a motorized grocery cart and I managed not to run anyone over! Lol

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I am in Rochester NY Canada isn't that far away! How far away are you from Rochester? I have decided that since Ollie is only eleven years old... playful, and full of fire, I am going to instruct them to put in a G-tube for feedings after his dental surgery if needed.I am more than willing to help you after I get thru Ollies dental surgery. Nancy

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Well, I don't want to jinx it, but I may have turned a corner when it comes to my back. I've had a couple of days in a row with only minor pain, and I even ventured out to the bank machine tonight without my cane! WhooHoo!!! Tomorrow I'm going to try to walk to the top of my Crescent and back taking real steps, not the wincing baby steps I have been using. Thursday I may even try grocery shopping without a motorized cart! Big dreams, eh? Thank you everyone for your help. Hopefully I'm through the worst of it.

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Well, I don't want to jinx it, but I may have turned a corner when it comes to my back. I've had a couple of days in a row with only minor pain, and I even ventured out to the bank machine tonight without my cane! WhooHoo!!! Tomorrow I'm going to try to walk to the top of my Crescent and back taking real steps, not the wincing baby steps I have been using. Thursday I may even try grocery shopping without a motorized cart! Big dreams, eh? Thank you everyone for your help. Hopefully I'm through the worst of it.


Just...take...it...easy. We all know that point where you finally feel better & think you're ready to conquer the world. But...

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I managed to get my floors swept and mopped! What a relief. I could have knit another cat with all the cat hair I picked up. I've also managed to walk short distances every day, although it did get twitchy one day. I think I'll still go for my MRI at the end of the month because it's gotten better before then relapsed. I'm going to try to do some weeding today. I'll take it easy, I promise.


Nancy, I'm sorry you had knee problems. I'm glad it got better.

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