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Long Post but need some input


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Six weeks ago we got a beautiful Australian Shepherd puppy. (She will be 5 months old next week). Two weeks ago she started having some very serious health issues and has been to see several specialists. We still don't know what is going on or if she is going to make it. We have been pretty much caring for her night/day so there has been more going on all night/day and she will bark/cry which I know is keeping my birds up at night. Between that and the fact that with all that is going on with her we have not been able to spend the time we normally do with our birds I've noticed that Phoenix has been extremely quiet the past couple of days. No chattering, talking, etc. I know he's tired and I'm praying that's all that's going on. Is there anything I can do? Should I cover him for a couple of hours during the day? Unfortunately I am not able to move him to another room. I make sure to spend as much time as I can with him and tell him what a handsome boy he is and how much we love him. We are both trying to keep things semi normal but we are both mentally and physically exhausted. It is absolutely breaking my heart to see him so quiet. I miss my beautiful chatterbox.

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First, I am so sorry your puppy is suffering and you have my thoughts and prayers for her recovery. Phoenix may just be quietly watching and giving you the space to care for your puppy. They are very tuned in to our emotions and the lives of extended family/flock members. He seems to be mirroring the stress of your household and it is common for our parrots to be quiet while things are stressful. This is all new to him. I can only speak for my own experience. We have gone through some serious illnesses with family members and each time, during the worst of times, Miss Gilbert will become quiet and sometimes barber her chest feathers. Once we get back home, she and I both take some time to decompress and I don't push her too hard to try to get her to snap out of it. She seems to find her way back and even try new things after she processes the change in our life. I'm not sure about covering him during the day. If you cover him at night and that is a normal routine, leaving him covered or covering him a little early might extend his resting time. But if you are in the room and he is covered where he can't see what is happening, it is uncertain whether it would stress him more. Can you dim the room, close the drapes etc. to reduce stimulation but still permit him to see you coming and going? Also, when Gil would see me sleep during the day after a long night of caretaking, it seemed to make her a little nervous. In the wild if a flock member was sleeping during the day, it would have been a bad sign and could have been a draw to predators which would endanger the whole flock. As you say, you can't remove him from the room so going about your business, reassuring him and caring for your puppy as best you can may be the only options right now. Once the stress abates, Phoenix will take his time to process the changes and get back to his cheerful self. He may not be bonded with your puppy since you have had her such a short time. He may be cueing off your stress. Do your best to talk to him and explain as much as you can to reassure him you are okay and he is okay. He is still your beautiful little chatterbox and will be resilient. Maybe he is just resting to be your rock when things are back to normal at your house.

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... what they said. Everyone in the flock is stressed, so it would be more of a surprise if Phoenix wasn't.


Also, covering is what you'd do to quiet a rowdy bird. So, that's probably not going to help. Is there a reason you couldn't let him spend time in a quieter place elsewhere, like in his travel cage maybe?


Meanwhile, I'm sorry to hear about your puppy & hope she'll get well soon.

Edited by birdhouse
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