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Isaac Update


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What a great joy to wake up to every morning to see that feathery tummy and wings. I'm still a bit stunned. I keep giving that quick eyeball to the floor of the cage after I take him out when I get home (so he doesn't see me doing it). Every day...no feathers....no feathers. Can you imagine my joy? More pictures soon. You can bet there will be a big set if and when his whole body gets covered with them.

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Excellent work Isaac! Now you just need to convince your trainee that cheese has three times as much calcium as almond milk. GreycieMae has tips on how to coerce your way into getting cheese.



My boy LOVES CHEESE! I just don't give him a lot because people have warned me about dairy. But you can bet...he''l make every effort to get to the cheese when he sees it.

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Oh yeah, he still gets UV light all day long. I replace every 6 months. The calcium is the big one I think though. It has seemed to make the biggest difference. I think the Feather-In baths are helping too. Since I have been keeping the Calcium up though, I haven't seen any mishaps. Again...remaining very cautiously optimistic. Anything can happen...but it looks like I am gonna see a fully feathered boy. Sure to make me cry.

Edited by Elvenking
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Well...folks...the streak ended today for absolutely no reason out of the blue. Came home to feathers on the ground of the cage. So....I think I am just going to live my life the way I think is going to be best for me. I can't worry about this anymore. Been nothing but a guilt generator forever. I guess I just have to have a bird I have to explain to everyone. Super sad. No celebrations to be had. I won't be posting any more pictures...no point.

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I'm continuing to praise him even though I am gutted inside. Giving him kisses and stuff like normal. I just have to go somewhere and cry for a while. He didn't strip himself...but 10-12 good feathers. It's so hard to understand

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In fact...right now he is sitting next to me breaking feathers off right now while I am typing....making funny noises like its fun. Neat eh? He must like it. Piling up on the floor right next to me. That is beautiful right? Maybe I should get a video of this. This is definitely the first time I have seen him making his usual noises while he does it. It definitely cannot be stress induced. It's almost like it his part of his normal cycle now.

Edited by Elvenking
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So sorry Stephen, I was so hoping for a different outcome for you. No one has a more loved, more enriched, more spoiled bird than you, so please try to work through any guilt feelings you have, they're undeserved.


I could not agree more. Isaac is such a love, and I know that it just breaks your heart that your sweet boy seems to want to join a birdie club where everyone flies around half undressed. He needs some flipflop sandals and a little Hawaiian shirt. We all know that you will love your sweetiebird no matter what state of attire he is in. I can only put myself in your shoes and I know that I would constantly feel perplexed and concerned, as you have been. You've done everything possible to assure Isaac's well being.


If beauty comes from within then, you and Isaac both are two of the most beautiful creatures on the planet as the love you two have for each other shines bright. You both embody the Japanese sentiment of wabi sabi:


Wabi Sabi is a way of seeing the world that. . . finds beauty and harmony in what is simple, imperfect, natural, modest, and mysterious.

– Mark Reibstein, Wabi Sabi


Isaac is mysterious creature of nature for sure, but you will find harmony as you come to further accept his "cycles" and will continue to love him to pieces with or without "perfect" plumage. Because that is who you are. Isaac is blessed to have you as his human companion.


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A video would sure help. Several eyes on it may help to deduce why exactly he is doing it. There has to be something triggering it. My guess is a hormonal rage.



It is a true wonder because my behavior has been pretty consistent and so is the environment. Maybe I make him love me too much? He still has a heart like his Daddy. Playful, loving, and gentle.

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I could not agree more. Isaac is such a love, and I know that it just breaks your heart that your sweet boy seems to want to join a birdie club where everyone flies around half undressed. He needs some flipflop sandals and a little Hawaiian shirt. We all know that you will love your sweetiebird no matter what state of attire he is in. I can only put myself in your shoes and I know that I would constantly feel perplexed and concerned, as you have been. You've done everything possible to assure Isaac's well being.


If beauty comes from within then, you and Isaac both are two of the most beautiful creatures on the planet as the love you two have for each other shines bright. You both embody the Japanese sentiment of wabi sabi:


Wabi Sabi is a way of seeing the world that. . . finds beauty and harmony in what is simple, imperfect, natural, modest, and mysterious.

– Mark Reibstein, Wabi Sabi


Isaac is mysterious creature of nature for sure, but you will find harmony as you come to further accept his "cycles" and will continue to love him to pieces with or without "perfect" plumage. Because that is who you are. Isaac is blessed to have you as his human companion.



Very kind words. Thank you. He gets my love like no one else. People, birds or otherwise.

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