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Timneh Breeders—Where Are They?


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Hello everyone,

I gave a short little introduction of myself and family earlier and in it, explained why I have decided on getting a TAG rather than a CAG. Boy, the Timnehs are absolutely far more difficult to find than the Congos. I see a few members on here have TAG, including one of the mods...does anyone have any good breeder recommendations? African Queen (Jean Pattison) seems to be the most reputable. I emailed her yesterday but have not heard back. A breeder willing to ship is ideal. Thank you in advance

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A lovely breeder named Joyce Baum (the Ringneck Lady) cc'd Jean Pattison into an email to me (not knowing I already emailed her yesterday) so I am hoping to get a response soon from Jean. In the meantime, Joyce has offered to help me with any advise along the way. She is a very nice lady and will be retiring soon as she is 81-years-old. She used to breed Greys and I saw some articles she wrote. The community seems to be quite supportive of one another, I am finding.

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Yes, now my patience will be key lol. I am grateful for the several months (or more) that I will have to prepare. I read about one member on here who reads Dr. Seuss books and "Where the Sidewalk Ends" to her bird and was telling my 7-year-old last night so we decided to order books so we can read to ours. Are there any birds on here named Poppy? We have that name picked out for ours but will be spelled Papi if it's a boy and Poppy if a girl.

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I leave a radio on for my birds during the day. They have a bird room that only one is out at a time unsupervised. Our Grey spends most of her time climbing the ropes and swinging, hanging, chewing the wood work, walking the floor looking for toys.


She does like to watch TV with me. I don't have one for them in their bird room.

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I did tons of research on Timneh breeders last year. In November I got my Timneh from Scott Lewis at Old World Aviaries.

She is just shy of 10 months old. She was shipped. She is a wonderful baby!

Scott Lewis is very well regarded.

Good luck!

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I did tons of research on Timneh breeders last year. In November I got my Timneh from Scott Lewis at Old World Aviaries.

She is just shy of 10 months old. She was shipped. She is a wonderful baby!

Scott Lewis is very well regarded.

Good luck!


Thank you! Scott is retiring:-/

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We got our timneh baby from Lea and Bob at 5 oaks aviary near Tulsa OK. They do ship but we picked her up after a 3 hour drive or so. You might check with them to see what they have coming up. I see one timneh in the nursery that is already reserved.



I found a small tv w built in dvd player on craigslist for $15 so I leave that on in her room. She makes noises from spongebob and other nickelodeon shows. I also found a baby development channel that is for infants and she watches that and seems genuinely interested. Shapes, colors, that kind of thing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Congratulations on your upcoming adventure! My first grey was a rescued horribly abused and neglected wild-caught Congo who became my best bud until his last breath. After a long birdless gap, I went in search of another CAG and surprised myself when I fell head over heels in love with a little Timneh girl, who now has me completely wrapped around her little talons. I call her my "sports" model since she is smaller, and sleeker! :D


HRH (Her Royal Highness) Inara, is the absolute love of my life, and the most entertaining companion I have ever had the pleasure of living with. She will be five years old in July and has lived with us (adopted her from craigslist) since she was just 2 years old. (She is at this moment using her whispering voice from the other room asking, "What are you doing?") She talks up a storm and we have running conversations all day long. My CAG, after settling in, became a snuggler -- HRH, however, is a little busybody who would rather roam around than snuggle up although she loves flying over and getting a quick smooch before hustling off to be busy again.


I can't wait to hear all about your baby when it arrives! We can never have too many stories, so don't be shy. I'm sure the wait seems like forever, but the right one will land with you sooner or later.



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  • 1 month later...

Goodness, I don't know how I didn't see your post before. Then again, I haven't really been on until recently. The breeder I found a couple months ago just had Timnehs hatch after believing all the eggs were infertile so I am now patiently waiting for August to get here when we get Poppy from Florida. They are about 3 weeks old now (2 hatched) and I am very happy with this breeder. She and her husband owned a pet store for around 30 years in Ohio and then retired and moved to Florida. She now breeds on a small scale to keep herself busy. I enjoy reading about Inara...she seems quite the character!

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Giannine, how exciting! I'm sure that the wait for August to get here seems like a long time, but well worth it. Nice to know that you feel confident about the breeder and that you're building a good relationship. Yes, HRH Inara really is a character -- much like every greybie here! :D They all have so many things in common but yet are as unique as Sting albums and snowflakes. :D


I love the name "Poppy!" It will be so fun to see how your new little one grows into the name :)

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Surprisingly, I am not feeling too impatient. I had already established a relationship with this breeder before she told me the eggs did not hatch when she expected them to so I was disappointed and resigned myself to accepting I probably would not be able to add a Grey to our family until next year and I like her so much, I wanted to wait and get a baby from her. When she emailed me 2 weeks after they were supposed to hatch and told me she found a baby (she didn't see the 2nd until earlier this week when she went to pull the one), I was extremely surprised and had to jump straight back into my planning. Buying toys and perches has actually been keeping me occupied and happy while I wait. I have a feeling these next couple of months are going to fly by.

I find out next week if Poppy is a male or female but the breeder thinks male. Reading about everyone's Greys and seeing pictures also keeps me occupied and helps keep me patient:)

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  • 1 month later...
Hello everyone,

I gave a short little introduction of myself and family earlier and in it, explained why I have decided on getting a TAG rather than a CAG. Boy, the Timnehs are absolutely far more difficult to find than the Congos. I see a few members on here have TAG, including one of the mods...does anyone have any good breeder recommendations? African Queen (Jean Pattison) seems to be the most reputable. I emailed her yesterday but have not heard back. A breeder willing to ship is ideal. Thank you in advance


Hi there,


Have you found a breeder for Timnehs yet? If not, try JC Aviary in Austin, TX. That's where I'm getting my Congo from once he/she is weaned. He has a few Timneh available now, I believe. He does ship his babies, so that shouldn't be a problem. He's got great reviews as well. Good luck!

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Hi there,


Have you found a breeder for Timnehs yet? If not, try JC Aviary in Austin, TX. That's where I'm getting my Congo from once he/she is weaned. He has a few Timneh available now, I believe. He does ship his babies, so that shouldn't be a problem. He's got great reviews as well. Good luck!



I have, thank you:) That was one of the aviaries I contacted while looking but they didn't have any at the time. Poppy will likely be coming home sometime toward the end of next week or next weekend

Edited by Giannine
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I have, thank you:) That was one of the aviaries I contacted while looking but they didn't have any at the time. Poppy will likely be coming home sometime toward the end of next week or next weekend


Great! I'm glad you found one. I'm sure you are sitting on pins and needles waiting for Poppy to come home. Enjoy!

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Great! I'm glad you found one. I'm sure you are sitting on pins and needles waiting for Poppy to come home. Enjoy!


I actually cannot believe it has gone by so fast. Like, literally a blur. Normally things like this seem to take forever. We are excited, though:)

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