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Ceiling fans


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I can now move my exercise room into the basement bedroom now that my son has moved out, i can now give Alex and Rocco their own room so they can be out during the day when i'm not home and finally get back my dining room, lol.


I would like to keep the ceiling fan in the room. Has anyone made a protector so i can run the fan when needed? They are both flighted and I turn off my other fans in the house when i let them out. I would appreciate any thought or ideas on what others have done. I looked online but they are expensive and I didn't find anything i liked. I guess I could built something but looking for ideas.

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I have ceiling fans all thought my house. I use them mostly on low, my birds never fly into them, they are pretty close to the ceiling. Sometimes when they are off, my parrots will land on them and I turn them on low to get them off cause they want to chew them. Talon loves to ride them around and around. I spin them faster to get my Amazon to fly off. Had them for 11 years. In issues

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Actually i'm referring to the existing ceiling fan that will be in Alex and Rocco's new bird room. I plan to leave their cages open all the time and create an indoor aviary for them instead of making them wait until i get home from work to get out of their cages.

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oh, in that case do what we did - remove ceiling fan and install a ceiling light that sits somewhat flush with the ceiling. Our light also has a timer function so that it will come on and go off when programed so we don't have to be home to put birdy's to bed all the time. Birds don't like drafts anyways so the ceiling fan is pretty useless in their room anyway.

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I was thinking it might be a good idea to have the fan to circulate the air, never thought that I wont really need it, I can open the windows in the nice weather to give them some fresh air. I rarely run my AC so that should not be a problem.

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