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The Beep of Displeasure


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Isaac is hilarious. I also find it funny that I now laugh about this sound that is so incredibly pure high pitched loudness.....maybe that frequency is getting burned out of my ear...who knows. Anyway, I know he knows I don't like it, and he uses it to express his displeasure with actions he disapproves of. I was putting him to bed tonight, and he 'beep'-ed right after each thing to close things down. After turning the TV off, after putting him in his cage like 3 seconds after hitting the perch....and three seconds after pulling the plug on his overhead lamp. Guaranteed....every time...every night. Just too funny. He's way more controlled than he was when he first discovered the power of this noise. He knows I ignore him when he does it...but he does seem to know somewhere that I do not like it....and I know it's his way of letting me know the things that he doesn't like. Thankfully he isn't overbearing with it. If someone brings something close to the cage, he will do the 'beep' of displeasure. If it persists, he will fluff up and go "whhhwwWWOOOoooww" like a swelling whistle. I think he teaches me parrot things. HA! I love him to death. He's out there burping and laughing at himself right now!!!

Edited by Elvenking
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Megan does this high-pitched screech - it's an amplified version of the sound her cage door makes. She does it whenever she thinks she's going back in her cage. She also does the "woo" sound. That often precedes a bite if I am not quick enough. LOL

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Greycie went through a high-pitch shrill that nearly drove me off a cliff. It finally subsided after a few months and my discovery of wearing ear plugs 24/7 while in her presence so I could completely ignore it and not react. It came back a few weeks ago for a few days but haven't heard it since. Hope it stays gone!

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Yeah it is the kind of sound that it takes practice to get over. I know it because others do cringe if get to hear that. On the plus side, I'll know not to put something away if he beeps. "Okay I'll leave that out for you" (if I can...LOL). It's funny to just understand him so well.

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