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feeding ???


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You have to feed lots of different foods fresh or frozen veggies scrambled egg. make some Oatmeal muffins and put a jar of mixed vegtables babyfood in it or chop up some brocoli carrots and peas and put that in them your bird will love them. you can feed your bird anything healthy that you eat except avacado(posion to birds) no caffine no chocolate the like bits of chicken or lean beef no pork to fatty but if you like something there is a good chance your bird will too. Mine love spagetti not to much sauce with parmesan or mac and cheese they gobble it down. Just usee your own good judgement anything that is healthy for you is proububly healthy for your birds. I usualy give my birds fruit and veggies in the morning I take them away in about 3to 4 hours then I leave pellets and a tiny bit of seeds and nuts for them to munch until dinner then at dinner time they eat what we eat they love mashwed potatos and rice all veggies then after dinner I make sure they have their pellets for the night and I usually will give them a wallnut half or two when I put them to bed The birds in my signature are my grey and my amazon



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Just feed what they will eat, most will not overeat and they do poop every so often during the day. Also be sure to monitor its weight with a gram scale, as long as it is consistent it is fine.


Why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us some about yourself and your grey.:P

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Sorry William, didn't read your question correctly :unsure:


My three greys have access to food at all times.They have a morning feed of soaked tropical fruit then i fill their dishes with a little seed & pulses for the day.In the evening they have a variety of food for dinner,mixed vegtables or perhaps mixed fruit, then again they have their seed in their bowls.None of mine overeat, they just eat when & what they want.

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They need not only the right amount of food, but also healthy food. Not too high in fat, plenty of fresh vegetables, some fruit, some seeds, grains, a few nuts. I do not leave any food in the cage at night - birds in the wild don't eat at night (that's what the crop is for, to store food), and then they're hungry in the morning for the vegetables and sprouts. They get a dry mix later in the day for a few hours (seeds, pellets, etc.), then more fresh food and a cooked grain/lentil/sweet potato mix in the late afternoon. Last thing before night-night is a few nuts, usually almonds, sometimes walnuts. The highlight of the day!


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