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My not so perch potato


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So, over the years I've been worried that Dorian's main play habit is me. On days when I'm away from the house for the day I've been concerned that he just sits and waits for me to get home. Of course I always provide his favourite toys, but I don't usually see signs that he's been at them when I'm away. Well, I'm taking care of a friend's store for a week while they're in Cuba. I made up a version of Dorian's favourite toy before I left on the first day and low and behold, when I got home there were signs that he'd been chewing, and even more tonight when I got home. I'm so happy that he's learning to entertain himself while I'm away from home. Yay Dorian!!!!

Edited by Acappella
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I worry about that too. Now that wifey has gone back to work for 6 weeks it's tough checking in on them with the bird room camera and they're just sitting there staring. I have to keep two of them caged while one gets the day out of the cage. We rotate who gets the day out. Greycie will play with things in her cage if I keep it stocked. I came across a toy idea on the Caique forum where I hang out: some guy used plastic chain to mount a hanging plastic toy box. He puts all kinds of toys and then hides little nuts in the mess. Greycie will love that, hopefully I can get to it this weekend.

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I wish Brutus cared about toys, but he does not. He cares about showing his Mom how good he is about destroying things that are not toys. He will chew on easily destroyable wooden toys on occasion. Please share how you are going to entertain Greycie. I might try it. I feel I am not giving Brutus the mental stimulation that he requires.

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Megan's not so crazy about toys either. But surprisingly, Ife and Adom, Marden's parents who were breeders all their lives and probably never even saw a toy before coming home to me can go through a toy a day. I made a 'stuffed' paper towel roll (full of rolled up paper) last night and within 15 minutes Ife had it half gone. But I am happy to see them enjoying themselves. Megan's favorite toy is Daddy. I am just a target for her when she wants to express her frustration with a good bite. LOL

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