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One small step.........


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Well had to share with all of you because you know how hard it has been for me this past two weeks. Now this isn't a huge deal but it made me very happy!:woohoo: I was talking to SweetHeart for about 1/2 hour and she seemed very interested. There is a table in between her cage and where I sit when I'm home and like I had said she comes to the corner where I'm at and sleeps and plays. Well after our little conversation about 5 minutes later she hopped on top of the lamp that sits on my table. She was a little nervous, when I went to get her off the wobbly lamp shade she flew over to the couch. And than I got her and was going to try to talk to her for a minute on my hand but her body and head were pointed towards her cage and I didn't want to force anything so I put her back. But I was happy that on her own she came a little closer!!! Just thought I would share with all of you! Something good for a change lol. Oh and I will try to add a pic to kind of show you all how we are, you can see the lamp shade in the corner and how close her cage is to my chair.

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Thank you Everyone! I hope she keeps doing baby steps lol. Gives me something to look forward to. Lastnight after I put her in her cage she was very playful and running around and seemed to do it more when I laughed at her and asked her what was the silly bird doing lol. But thought I would give some good news for a change. Keep your fingers crossed for me lol:P

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