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Had a Scare on Xmas!


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Well, it is Christmas today, I was sitting on the couch playing on my iPad, had xmas dinner in the oven, a fire in the fireplace, relaxing, just said goodbye to my 2 sons as they were leaving to go over to their dads house...then all the smoke alarms in the house starting going off! I ran in the basement and saw what looked like smoke coming from the top of the furnace I just had cleaned 2 days ago. I ran upstairs to hit the emergency switch to the furnace to off. The birds were flying frantically around the house. I went back in the basement and saw that it was actually the hot water heater, water was all over the floor and it was steam, not smoke.

When I went back upstairs, it occurred to me that in the event of a fire, there was NO way I was going to be able to catch the birds and get them in their travel cages that I keep next to their regular cages in the event of an emergency........does anyone have any advice? I always thought I was prepared in my mind that the first thing I would do is get them into their travel cages and Into my car and back,it away from the house ...I see now that if they are out in the house...that never going to be possible...I feel so defeated......?

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Was it the smoke alarms that panicked your birds or you? If it was the alarms perhaps you can get the birds habituated to it. In my apartment we have regular alarm tests every week and the occasional false alarm. It is hard to ignore as it should be! The test is only for about ten seconds and Misty no longer takes any notice. Even on longer false alarms.That may just be Misty's reaction. He was bothered the first few times although that was years ago. I tend not to flap myself so he may also take his cue from me.


Steve n Misty n Parrot

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My alarms have gone off so much, that it actually takes me about 20 seconds or so till I realize what it is. I am a very calm person, so I don't panic, the birds were fine until the alarms started to get quite loud. There was 11 wired in my house, so you can imagine how that sounds.


Luvparrots, I have a bird window into my aviary as well, but my outdoor aviary is attached to my house .

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Hey Talon, you might have a catch net where you can get to it in an emergency. We have one only because GreycieMae likes to play this game of 'walking' upside down across the top of the aviary when it's time to come in. She loves being just out of reach, so we got the catch net and just use it to get her lower where we can get a hand on her.


You might try conditioning your birds to one of those, just playing with them with it. I would also know where something is that you can bust a window and clear the edges of jagged glass so you can get you and the babies in their emergency cages OUT!!!.


We have three pak-o-birds along with catch net and I have exit strategies at both ends of our house if I need out. They get put in their pak-o-birds daily and the catch net is nothing scary to them if I have to use it for real.

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When we had an electrical fire years ago, it was just me and Ryan. We practiced for three. We got the dogs to the car, then focused on the birds.Being the " bad guy", making the rules and expecting everyone to follow them, DOES have benefits! I told all my birds that were on gyms " IN NOW!" Meaning their cages. They did. Dragged their cages with Ryans help out the front door. Nancy

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Thanks Sterling, that's a fantastic idea! I have many doors to the outside, to escaping should be pretty quick, it's gathering up my birds that concerns me, but the catch net is a wonderful idea! I think more practice in their travel cages is a good idea, I don't know how you manage to do it daily, but I should start it weekly for now!

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I also put my guys into their travel cages regularly, so it's not just a scary prelude to go to the vets. I put them in their travel cages to clean their cages, and to take them out to my screened in patio, etc. So they are not scared of going into them. Also, in moments of crisis, your flock will look to you to be a calm and decisive flock leader. If you're not going crazy, they'll be more likely to remain calm.

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