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I am thinking of getting a new pup

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My friend, knows how hard it has been since I lost my girl Zoey. My heart has been closed for past two years. She has a friend that her shitzu will have pups soon. She knows I would be a GREAT parent, and I don't need to go thru a parental check, and can reserve a girl, if there is one. I just need to commit. Ryan, my son, says do it... Sean, reminds me, I want to decrease my responsibility! I am not sure what to do. I truly miss Zoey, and I know Ollie misses having a dog friend. Nancy

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It's a tough decision. Of course, since I filled my empty nest with two dogs and two parrots, I had to buy a vehicle big enough to transport the whole crew. There is a sense of purpose, joy, delight and companionship from adding a new life to your home. It took a long time for me to let go of the loss of Juno and Kopi and bring Gilbert into our lives. It has been a lot of work and tradeoffs but I haven't regretted it. In the moment of seeing a sweet new puppy, the pull is intense to start all over again. We were sitters last weekend for an adorable little neighbor dog. Have you thought about being a dog sitter? Our daughter does it through a company called Rover. There are a few families that send their dogs so often it is almost like having another one without the full time commitment. If you are just not sure, that might be the way to have the company of a furry little friend.

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The honest problem is... Sophie! She has an " open cage concept", so she comes out the moment I am home. Ollie, as a pup, was trained by Max, " don't play with her,don't touch her, unless I say so!" Senior dog teaching Ollie. Ollie learned to respect Sophie. Now its Ollies turn to teach new pup ( with my help). I would LOVE a rescue, but they would be more inclined to want to just play, and hurt Sophie.

I asked Ryan his opinion... he said I should get a new girl. I asked Sean, he said " no". I don't have the resources I need. ( I can hire someone to come every four hours). I haven't decided.

It still comes down too, is my heart open to getting a new girl pup? Its been two years since I lost Zoey. Sophie will know in a heart beat, if i am not committed. If I have any hesitation... Sophie will NOT except new pup... she knows me that well Nancy

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I think you should get a new canid but there are rescues that have a low or non existent prey drive. Having lived with a Shi Tzu for years I can tell you they are not real obedience dogs. Ours would look back over his shoulder when given a command to see if we were close enough to enforce said instructions if not close then he did what ever he wanted to. After German Shepherds, Irish wolfhounds, Italian grey hounds, retired racers and many rescue dogs I know enough to share that not even all hunting or sight hound breeds have that prey response. Meet some dogs & pups that need a chance at life rather than a quick end you might just find the right companion.

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I truly understand! Terriers, are a pain in the ass! Everyone has asthma though, so we need a non shedding dog. Ryans dog coming home. A rescue pitt/lab... I am already loading up on zyrtec. Sean and I are allergic to Kallie, but she is sooo amazing. When I get up at 5am... I take her for a walk with Ollie, feed her. She is so happy! Ollie likes her too.I am use to high maintance dogs and she is so easy going! Nancy

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I truly understand! Terriers, are a pain in the ass! Everyone has asthma though, so we need a non shedding dog. Ryans dog coming home. A rescue pitt/lab... I am already loading up on zyrtec. Sean and I are allergic to Kallie, but she is sooo amazing. When I get up at 5am... I take her for a walk with Ollie, feed her. She is so happy! Ollie likes her too.I am use to high maintance dogs and she is so easy going! Nancy


Our most low-prey-drive pup is Riley, a Yorkshire terrier mix. I accidentally left the baby budgie's cage door open years ago, and we came home to find Riley "guarding" her while she hid beside the bookcase. Not one feather harmed. He used to let the roof-rats eat from his outside food dish, patiently waiting for them to finish before sampling any of the food himself (this is where we fed him "messy" treats). The ONLY animal I have ever seen aggression from him towards was a possum that used to steal his bones. LOL. Now, our poodle-mix pound pup? She was very high prey drive in the beginning but has slowly learned from Riley. I still would never trust her alone with a bird. She's far more sneaky.

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Ryan encouraged me to get a rescue or new pup. He knows I do well with multi animals. Sean encouraged me to get thru Christmas, make Sophie safe...I am following Seans suggestion. No plan for a new pup.

When Sean was home for just a day, she was on his shoulder, the moment he walked in the door. He is always patient with her, and listens to her rant of excitement! Nancy

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