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I have seen some awesome Amazons

Ray P

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Somewhere out there is a little soul singing quietly inside waiting for the day you meet and change both of your lives. Its good to know your heart is open to the idea and you are thinking about it. I think you will know when the time is right. I know I just mentioned it to Nancy in regards to a puppy, but are you willing to be a foster home? There might be rescue groups in your area that would take you up on it in a heartbeat of they knew you were willing to take on a tough case that they don't have the time or resources to rescue. You have the experience, time and patience to be the angel in the wings helping to teach others how to win the heart of the cast off parrot somewhere near you.

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Ray, how about getting involved with transporting rescue birds? I've been thinking about it. I was getting excited to think of getting a new pup. Ryan said DO it! Sean, reminded me of reality. He reminded me of my own rules.

NEVER, open the door to your heart, unless you can commit to the animal 100% Thru the good and bad, there is no going back.

Always have a network of friends, family and vets that can help you when needed.

If you can't be there every four hours, or have someone else there to let the pup out, why are you getting a pup? I DO have the resources that can help me every four hours during the day...I just need to make sure my heart is open, and ready for a new pup. Nancy

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