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Name a Yorkie!


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Oh my gosh, how CUTE!

I love the name Daisy for a girl dog. This one doesn't look like a Daisy, though.

How about Penelope? You could call her Penny for short. Or Chloe? That's nice and refined. She looks sort of refined. My son says Chi Chi. But that sounds like a Chihuahua to me...

Anyway she's adorable...good luck naming her!

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I like Penny, but my other Yorkie is Minnie, I wonder would they get confused. I like Chi Chi.... hmmmm. My daughter wants to call her Sophie, but I think thats a silly name. I told her she could name her first child that, whether its a boy or a girl, but I would like to wait a while to be a granny (she is only 14!)


What does Ewok mean?


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We also have a teacup yorkie. We named her Ellie for this reason. Yorkshire Terriers originated from Huddersfield England. It so happens my grandmother was also born there. Her name was Eliza which we decided to name our baby. It has been shortened to Ellie. Elli goes everywhere with me including to work. I work in nursing homes and retirement homes and she is such a big hit with everyone. She is the most awesome beautiful dog.I will try to post pics of her and of her with one of my conures which she plays tag with. I don't have much luck posting pics though:dry:

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This baby is a mid size Yorkie, rather than the tiny one. I would be afraid of stepping on a miniature!


Hmmm things about her personality, she is 9 weeks old today, so the words manic, crazy, and lots and lots of poo come to mind!


So far we are still calling her the dot and Dot, I think it has stuck, but latte is good too.


She met one of my greys the other day. We were worried that Liath might bite her, but no, Dot hops around the back and tries to chew Liath's tail. Liath now keeps a VERY safe distance from her, which is probably a good thing:lol:




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  • 3 weeks later...

Ellie is gorgeous. How old is she in the second picture?


Dot and Mini are getting on great, but Dot has developed a habit of collecting all the dirty underwear from my teenage daughters room and arranging them all over the sitting room. I am hoping this might encourage her to tidy her room!

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