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getting a bird to love music


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Sophie will only dance and cluck. When the boys are home from college... they get her rapping with clucks and dance. She has EXCELLENT rythm! ONLY clean songs, as she knows NO swear words. The only song she sings to with words is " Take me out to the ballgame". She messes it up all the time and starts over.Sigh... we have a lot of start overs! When she thinks she has done a good job, she will say " Play ball", and of course that is our cue to clap and say " yay Sophie!" She is pleased! ( she probably sucked just as much!) LOL If she is pleased, so are we! We always want her to be happy and pleased with herself... and YES she is... ( a little too much!). Confidence, has never been Sophie's problem

I have always appreciated when my kids were learning a new instrument, Sophie was always there for them. A cluck of approval, even if they stunk! She also has a cluck of " disapproval", that she uses too... kids know her approval or disapproval cluck and she lets us know! Nancy

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