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Thanksgiving Dinner Prep?


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So it is 5:30am. About to get the turkey in the oven and thought about the thread reposted every year on how to make this dinner. Thought I would read it to start this undertaking with a smile. It isn't here. :-(


So do I leave the bird tracks in the potatoes? Should I give up rearranging the marshmallows to cover up the missing? What do I do with the yams that are full of beak marks????? There was also something about whine I think, do I whine or, oh wait, maybe it was wine? Wine, that's it!


Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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Happy Thanksgiving! Here's how our prep went: The feathered version - cut up pumpkins, place chunks with seeds intact in bowls. Add fresh chopped veggies, pomegranate, sprouts and nuts. Serve. The human version - drive to Waffle House, order, eat. I suspect there will be wine (or hard root beer) in this plan somewhere, later, once the mess has been cleaned up. :)

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