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Please help NEW BABY Just arrived home now.....


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Please if you have any suggestions that can help with are new baby African congo grey.

She arrived Yesterday after she endured 11 hours travel time from breeder to Us in are wonderful waiting home .She is only 12 wks and I thought she was 17 wks

She arrived by plane then we had to travel a hour with her home from the airport

There was a flight delay midway and I thought from what breeder said that she was going to make sure that the plane did not make any stops but of course that did not happen !!

So She is home and after cutting her out of her carrier that had zip ties everyplace I go to get her out and give her some nice warm perfect baby formula and she came barreling out of the carrier hissing and puffed out running at the syringe and bites it screams runs to the ground.I pick her up with a blanket and put her into her awaiting home now,she has had no water or formula for all this time so I put in water and some of the food that breeder was giving baby.

I watched as poor baby drunk the water like she was in a desert I cried as she went to a corner and got behind a big java perch in her cage and tried to hide her little eyes from us.She put her head in that corner and stayed so I covered her for the night it was late.

This morning I woke at 7:30 am to feed her and she still screams at the syringe then now tries to bite me and the syringe.I cannot get near her or she screams she drinks water as I seen but today I tried giving her a saucer of baby formula ,homemade birdy bread, oatmeal warm,Her pellets and nutri berris the breeder used nothing PLEASE HELP US !!

She goes to the Avian Vet Friday was the very first they had but shes not sick YET

Thank You so much

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I know this is taking all the fun out of everything, to state the obvious. But, first you'll need to stay calm & try to act happy w/the baby. (S)he's going to catch your mood. So the more worked up you are, the worse for your fid who's already sounding taumatized.


Dave007 is probably the best person to ask for help here. Suggest PM to him asap because as you know, your fid can't go long w/o food. Meanwhile, if you have any, you can try offering coconut water which has minerals & some food value as well as water.


Although Dave is good about helping, he might not be immediately available. I don't think you should wait much longer. Call your vet & ask for suggestions while you're waiting. If Dave doesn't get back pretty soon, ask to see the vet today. They should understand & make space for you under the circumstances. If they don't , suggest finding another vet asap.

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Was the breeder using a syringe or a spoon? Perhaps your new grey is expecting a spoon? It certainly needs food as you know especially at such a young age to complete proper development. When Daveoo7 chimes in I am positive he will have a lot to say. :)

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What a horrible experience for your baby! Calm down... contact your new vet and ask for an appointment, as soon as possible. Your baby needs supplemental feedings, and you need to learn how to do this. Get in right away, this is an emergency. Take a deep breath... many of us have had to do supplemental feedings, and have survived. Your baby is freaking out ( rightfully), so you need to be calm, and learn.

Where do you live? I would be over in a heartbeat if in Rochester, NY.

Nutrition, is the most important. Every thing else, is secondary. Nancy

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She is syringe fed danmcq

The breeder also sent me a syringe and her dna certificate and of course how to feed her .

I am used to hand feeding did a lot of that in my life when getting baby birds that was 15 yrs ago but I am okay with it its just she wont take it she will not she tries to attack the big *** syringe and that's what she normally eats out of

She is eating because I give her lots to choice from and that's all she has done all day ..... Pellets,nutri berris,cheerios,apple juice,Homemade good bird bread,even some dehydrated safe fruits but she is soooo afraid she shakes when I even attempt to try and go in her cage and get her to take the formula

Thank You Nancy I wish I did in NY right now I am in Ohio but you are so sweet

Oh yes and I did call the vet she said they are out of town till friday of course that avian vet is are only avian vet

but like I said she is drinking and eating everything

Edited by TamiL
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Sounds to me like birdy just had a very traumatic experience in the shipping process. Probably thrown around like a regular piece of luggage. She needs you most right now to settle down and act calm, her world is completely in upheaval right now. Also you said she is eating lots of stuff besides her formula - that's much better than your original post indicated. I wouldn't push the formula if she's eating other stuff, just keep offering it. You may want to try and put it in a bowl - I have had one that will eat it like that.


You may also try some calming soothing music and possibly use that or some easy white noise at night too to mask the noises that may be keeping her on edge. She needs to know she's landed in a place of calm.

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It does sound like she was traumatized in the long shipping process. Glad she is eating and drinking.

I would calmly sit in a chair next to her cage and read or sing to her. Let her really " feel" that you are her friend

She just lost everything she loved and was in a plane, for a long time. I would give her time to adjust.

Good luck.

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Please if you have any suggestions that can help with are new baby African congo grey.

She arrived Yesterday after she endured 11 hours travel time from breeder to Us in are wonderful waiting home .She is only 12 wks and I thought she was 17 wks

She arrived by plane then we had to travel a hour with her home from the airport

There was a flight delay midway and I thought from what breeder said that she was going to make sure that the plane did not make any stops but of course that did not happen !!

So She is home and after cutting her out of her carrier that had zip ties everyplace I go to get her out and give her some nice warm perfect baby formula and she came barreling out of the carrier hissing and puffed out running at the syringe and bites it screams runs to the ground.I pick her up with a blanket and put her into her awaiting home now,she has had no water or formula for all this time so I put in water and some of the food that breeder was giving baby.

I watched as poor baby drunk the water like she was in a desert I cried as she went to a corner and got behind a big java perch in her cage and tried to hide her little eyes from us.She put her head in that corner and stayed so I covered her for the night it was late.

This morning I woke at 7:30 am to feed her and she still screams at the syringe then now tries to bite me and the syringe.I cannot get near her or she screams she drinks water as I seen but today I tried giving her a saucer of baby formula ,homemade birdy bread, oatmeal warm,Her pellets and nutri berris the breeder used nothing PLEASE HELP US !!

She goes to the Avian Vet Friday was the very first they had but shes not sick YET

Thank You so much



First off, nothing I'm saying is meant to insult you or scold you or accuse you of anything. It's just about some facts and knowledge you should know about in the future.

I'm not a big believer in plane travel when it comes to birds( especially young ones). Too many things can go wrong. The only animals I would ship are dogs and cats. They can handle long distance travel.


Your problem isn't as serious as you think but the breeder should have been weaning this bird more than 3 mts, especially because it was gonna travel a long distance. It may take longer to get the bird but at least the weaning is finished. The reason it isn't seriuos is because your bird is already eating other things besides formula so your bird is defionitely not `starving. Proper weaning is when the bird actually tells you to lessen up on the formula feeding. As the bird gets older and eats more regular type food, formula isn't as appealing to the bird and the bird will stop eating the same amount of formula that's being given--example, a bird is being given formula 3x a day. The bird is also eating other things which all birds eventually do because it's natural so the bird will refuse to take one feeding of formula which the owner does. It'called abundance feeding and it can happen to young birds at any time. A bird can start doing that at different ages because each bird is different . Some will start when they're 3/4/5/6 mts old. Your bird may not like syringes. You may need to use a spoon or you may need to put it in an area where the bird can get to it. If he won't take it, there's no problem because he's simply interested in other foods.

Water---birds drink very little water during the day or night. That's why water needs to given a couple of times because it can collect dust or droppings etc. The reason your bird drank so much was because it was dehydrated from a long trip. Expect him to not do that so much as time goes on.

Food---a bird doesn't have breakfast, lunch or dinner. They need access to regular food all the time. That usually come from hard foods such a decent seed mix, crunchy veggies. Any vegetables need to be replaced during the day because they dry up or get hard. They lose the vitamins in it. That's the reason for dry food. Some people say NO SEED MIX. I personally think that's a lot of hogwash. Just think about the bird who grows up hating veggies, fruit. What is a person gonna feed them???


Another important thing you did that was unintentionally wrong was about how much time you gave to the bird when it arrived home. The bird was home with you and within 15 to 20 hrs, you started getting frantic and started thinking that bad things were just around the corner. A bird needs to get used to it's new surroundings, a new cage, habits that are going on in the house, different people living in the housse, possible other pets in the house and finally, understanding about how many people are involved in it's care. The bird just left one world and is now in a strange new one. Formula was the last thing on his mind. Many greys don't care for children. Kids are just to erractic, unpredicable, too fast around a bird. That can cause nervousness and the bird may look to biting people.

All of these thing take a little time for the bird to do. Right now, the bird isn't interested in formula. The only food that should be around is the type where the bird can get to if it wants to.


One other thing in your post concerning formula--you said baby formula. Did you mean formula that's given to kids or the type that's given to birds? If human type is used, that's gotta stop. Pet stores like Petsmatyrt or Petco or Petland and other big chains sell formula mix that can be used when mixed with water.


Another good idea when your bird gets used to you is to buy some flavered oatmeal mix. Quaker Oats makes it and it's also available genericin stores like walmart. Make sure you get flavored. Don't worry about sugar content. It's a favorite ith birds. It can be served in a small coffee scoop or large table spoon or any other item you have where the bird can get to it.


Veggies---try out dark green ones, carrots. Don't expect your bird to like all types.


Just remember--dry food that can be around 24/7 and veggies and some fruit that would need to be replace once a day.

Good luck

Edited by Dave007
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Please if you have any suggestions that can help with are new baby African congo grey.

She arrived Yesterday after she endured 11 hours travel time from breeder to Us in are wonderful waiting home .She is only 12 wks and I thought she was 17 wks

She arrived by plane then we had to travel a hour with her home from the airport

There was a flight delay midway and I thought from what breeder said that she was going to make sure that the plane did not make any stops but of course that did not happen !!

So She is home and after cutting her out of her carrier that had zip ties everyplace I go to get her out and give her some nice warm perfect baby formula and she came barreling out of the carrier hissing and puffed out running at the syringe and bites it screams runs to the ground.I pick her up with a blanket and put her into her awaiting home now,she has had no water or formula for all this time so I put in water and some of the food that breeder was giving baby.

I watched as poor baby drunk the water like she was in a desert I cried as she went to a corner and got behind a big java perch in her cage and tried to hide her little eyes from us.She put her head in that corner and stayed so I covered her for the night it was late.

This morning I woke at 7:30 am to feed her and she still screams at the syringe then now tries to bite me and the syringe.I cannot get near her or she screams she drinks water as I seen but today I tried giving her a saucer of baby formula ,homemade birdy bread, oatmeal warm,Her pellets and nutri berris the breeder used nothing PLEASE HELP US !!

She goes to the Avian Vet Friday was the very first they had but shes not sick YET

Thank You so much


As soon as you said "11 hours flight time" I knew there could be no reason the bird would be happy. As others have said...try to provide a comforting and kind atmosphere for the new baby. I wouldn't keep her covered for any long periods of time other than maybe for sleep at night. I find it amazing that someone who breeds these would even consider "shipping" them like some kind of stocked goods. Really hard to stay partial on that front but I will. Please find a lot of love and compassion for the new baby so she can recover from the trauma. I wouldn't mind knowing the feeding instructions the breeder gave with the syringe and formula. Did they say what temperature to heat to and how to check? Just want to be sure everyone is being really careful with this precious new gift of life. At any rate, I think she'll eat something soon.


LOL...the only way I would take Isaac on a plane is if he could be in the seat right next to me where I would gladly pay a full price ticket for him just to make sure everything is okay. Then maybe...I'd still be afraid that he would be startled by the engines. HA! Just wait till you see how much you end up loving that bird. You'll see. ;)

Edited by Elvenking
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Hi TamiL, welcome to the forum. Hope you and your little one are getting along fine after a rough start. When our baby came home we had been having regular meetings, hand feeding lessons and expert advice from a breeder of three decades. It still scared me to be on my own. You have a good source of experience and caring here. I am a little late to the game with being out of state for an extended period. What have you named your baby?

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Hi TamiL, welcome to the forum. Hope you and your little one are getting along fine after a rough start. When our baby came home we had been having regular meetings, hand feeding lessons and expert advice from a breeder of three decades. It still scared me to be on my own. You have a good source of experience and caring here. I am a little late to the game with being out of state for an extended period. What have you named your baby?


You are so Right !! Thank You

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Sorry not to back on for a minute to let You all know that we are doing great now ;)

Thank You all for helping me and my Phoebe so much.

We had a very rough start but now we are doing great just enjoying life with my baby.

Getting to know her personality and she is a very nervous baby, but we are getting better everyday

Thank You all so much !!!!!!

Same advice then avian vet give when we went so right on point and a special thank you goes out to Dave !! You are very smart on greys period and I look forward to reading more from You

Thanks all says Phoebe and her Mommy :D

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Hello I know this is so off topic but I've been looking for the perfect baby for some time now then I stumbled upon this breeder/bird lady that's hella old but has been in this business for 30 plus years so I'm comfortable with her and she has three African greys that need to be rehomed!!! I'm sorry but I feel compelled to give a perfectly good healthy bird a home they almost have a soft spot in my heart for them!!! Anyway one is a female owned female tag red factor. She beautiful she stepped up on me right away first. Then when she was in her cage she started screaming at me but in a neutral area she hung out with me what seemed reluctantly she flew away a couple times and tried to go with the lady and a toy. The other two Congo boys were very receptive to me. One was mimicking me and he was man raised. The other plucker was female raised and was whistling at me every time I turned around to talk to another bird it's like both boys had me bouncing back and forth every time I turned to one the other would talk to get my attention. The plucker almost let me scratch him and the talkative one seemed to want to step up on me from the cage. Before I left I was talking to the girl and she was like yawning and stretching her neck out looking at me and like making cooing noises. From what I describe what do you think would be a good fit for me The lady seems to think they'll be fine all of them came from her originally and there all about ten to fourteen years old. What do you guys think???

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